1. The licence holder shall attend Pubwatch meetings to ensure that up-to-date information are available and will be involved in what’s happening locally
2. There shall be implementation of Challenge 25 policy.
3. The licence holder shall ensure the policies, which are in line with the Licencing Act 2003, will be available to staff with easy access. The policies will be signed and kept on premises.
4. The policies will include zero tolerance to illegal drugs and guide on how to report this.
5. The premises licence holder will make sure refusal of alcohol sales to anyone who appears under the influence of illegal drugs and that is already intoxicated by alcohol.
6. Any incidents will be documented and reported back via Pubwatch.
7. Those named on this license will be kept informed.
8. Any illegal activity within the market will be documented and reported.
9. Any crime that the licence holder is made aware of or see will also be reported.
10. There shall be a CCTV installed on the premises.
11. Regular safety assessment within the market will be performed by the licence holder and we ask that anybody that sees anything that causes a risk to safety to report it.
12. There shall be up-to-date risk assessments with review dates.
13. Alcohol will not to be served in glass or bottle form.
14. Currently the premises use disposable plastics and are moving over to reusable plastics. This is better for the environment and also sustainable.
15. Noise levels will be kept below 64 dB onto the residential street behind the market. Any amplified music is played at the top end of the market.
16. When the bar is open, the gate on Smith Street will be kept so that cars cannot drive directly into the market where one gate is fully closed and another is partially closed to ensure efficient evacuation route
17. The licence holder will provide easier access for people with restricted mobility.
18. The licence holder will work closely with the authorities to ensure we are doing our level best to prevent disturbance to residents and the community.
19. There will be a responsible recycling scheme in place.
20. The licence holder shall provide smaller bins throughout the market for customers to use.
21. We will continue communication with Parish Council, local and city Councillor and we aim to make sure that residents around the market can be easily in contact with Market managers to ensure we can limit any potential risk.
22. The retail call will end at 10 pm and lights from the market can be reduced to a minimum by 10:30 pm
23. Being a family-friendly market, customers and traders are allowed to bring children with them and we have policies that parents or guardians are responsible for their children.
24. However, we will refuse alcohol to anyone that is accompanied by children and we feel that they are neglecting their duties to ensure that the child or children are safe for harm.
25. We do make sure that any children's activities are distanced from drinking areas. We have our own safeguarding policy and safeguard lead that is in line with Sheffield City Council safeguarding of children and vulnerable people.
26. Any issues will be documented and reported to the safeguarding lead and if needs be then reported to the authorities, our policies ask that customers with children under the age of 18 must leave the premises by 9pm.
Conditions agreed with SYP 29.10.2024
27. The use of door supervisors will be risk assessed on an event by event basis and a written record of the risk assessment be kept at site for 6 months and made available to the Police or an Officer of the Licensing Authority upon request.
28. An incident log shall be kept at the premises, and made available for inspection on request to an authorised officer of the Council or the Police, which will record the following:
(a) all crimes reported to the venue
(b) all ejections of patrons
(c) any complaints received
(d) any incidents of disorder
(e) all seizures of drugs or offensive weapons
(f) any faults in the CCTV system or searching equipment or scanning equipment
(g) any visit by a relevant authority or emergency service
(h) any refusals of alcohol sales
29. Such records to be retained for at least 12 months and available for inspection on request.
30. Drinks may not be removed from the premises in open containers save for consumption in any external area provided for that purpose.
31. A CCTV system will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times whilst the premises are open. The CCTV images will be stored for 30 days and police and authorised officers of the council will be given access to images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder, in line with GDPR guidance. Members of the management team will be trained in the use of the system. The CCTV system will contain the correct time and date stamp information. The CCTV footage will be controlled and kept in a secure environment to prevent tampering or unauthorised viewing. A record will be kept of who has access the system, the reason why and when.
32. CCTV systems installed after 2021 should be full digital systems with wide dynamic range IP cameras (WDR)
33. Staff will receive training concerning , but not limited to,
-Vulnerability awareness
-Crime scene preservation
-Drugs policies
-Underage sales/Challenge 25 scheme /Proxy Sales/Fake ID’s
-CCTV operation (authorised staff only)
-Dispersal policies
34. Suitable refresher training to be completed at least once per calendar year commencing the year after their date of employment. A written record to be retained for a minimum of 12 months and shall be made available to the Police and/or Licensing Authority upon request.
35. All drinks to be served in non-glass drinking vessels.
36. The provision of live music shall be agreed with the Environmental Protection Service and South Yorkshire Police, 6 weeks prior to events taking place.
37. Amplified music shall be played at a level that does not exceed background noise levels. A designated member of staff must take a proactive approach to noise control by checking noise levels on the site boundary.
Conditions agreed with H&S 12.11.2024
38. For all licensable events under this licence such as ‘Special Events’ ‘Halloween’, ‘Oktoberfest’, ‘Christmas Market’ ‘DJ Events’, ‘Live Bands etc’ or similar with a capacity of up to 499 (at any one time), an Event Management Plan in accordance with appropriate event industry guidance shall be prepared and must be available to Responsible Authorities upon request. Each event must be assessed upon its own merits and the Responsible Authorities must be notified of such events at least 6 weeks in advance of the event date.
39. For all licensable events of 499 of more (at any one time), an Event Management Plan in accordance with appropriate event industry guidance shall be prepared and submitted to the Responsible Authorities not later than 2 months before the event.
40. The Event Management Plan shall comprise but not be limited to:
-Event Safety Management Plan
-Event Risk Assessment
- Site Schedule - Site Plan
- Site Safety Plan
- Emergency Plan (Including Emergency Evacuation plan and Show Stop Procedure) Security and Stewarding Plan (including ingress and egress plans, searching as agreed with local police, deployment plan and terrorism risk assessment) as agreed with Sheffield Police.
- Drugs Policy
- Noise Management Plan (including residents hot line information and designated off site monitoring locations as agreed with Environmental Health Team)
- Fire Safety Assessment and Plan
- Adverse Weather Plan
- Medical Needs & Management Plan
-Concessions Management Plan
- Alcohol Management Plan
- Transport and Traffic Management Plan
- Construction Phase Plan, Risk Assessments and Method Statements.
- Sanitation Plan - Waste and Litter Management Plan (including litter management on & offsite/residential as agreed with Safety Advisory Group)
- Welfare Plan (including Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy)