1. A CCTV system with recording equipment must be installed and maintained at the premises and operated with cameras. All recordings used in conjunction with CCTV must:
a. Be of evidential quality in all lighting conditions;
b. Indicate the correct time and date; and
c. Be retained for a period of 31 consecutive days.
2. A member of staff trained to use the system must be on duty at all times and there must be adequate portable hardware (such as compact disks or USB storage devices) at the premises, as the recorded images must be available for inspection and downloading immediately upon request to officers of Responsible Authorities.
3. Security Industry Authority door supervisors shall be employed at the premises on occasions as deemed necessary by the Designated Premises Supervisor and/or Premises Management following a risk assessment.
4. The Designated Premises Supervisor or nominated person must ensure that any door supervisors employed at the premises wear, and clearly display, their Security Industry Authority registration badge at all times whilst on duty.
5. A bound and sequentially paginated book or electronic record must be maintained at the premises containing the names, dates of birth and Security Industry Authority registration numbers of door supervisors employed on any particular day. All such books/records must be retained at the premises for at least 12 months and must be made available for inspection and copying by the Police and other officers of Responsible Authorities immediately upon request.
6. A bound and sequentially paginated refusals book or electronic record must be kept at the premises to record all instances where admission or service is refused. Details to show:
• The basis of the refusal;
• The person making the decision to refuse; and
• The date and time of the refusal.
Such books/records must be retained at the premises for at least 12 months, and shall be made available for inspection and copying by the Police, or other officers of a Responsible Authority, immediately upon request.
6. Training records must be kept to record staff training and advice including the following areas:
• preventing underage sales of alcohol
• preventing proxy sales of alcohol to underage persons
• preventing sales of alcohol to a person who is drunk
These records must be made available for inspection and copying by the Police and other officers of Responsible Authorities immediately upon request and all such records are to be retained at the premises for at least 12 months.
7. A Challenge 21 scheme must operate at the premises. Any person who appears to be under 21 years of age must not be served alcohol unless they produce an acceptable form of identification (passport, driving licence, Military Identity card or PASS accredited card). Challenge 21 notices must be displayed in prominent positions throughout the premises
8. Customers will be encouraged to leave the premises in a quiet and orderly manner.
9. Staff will be trained to observe the measures necessary to promote the public safety objective.
10. The premises will liaise and co-operate with the Responsible Authorities.
11. Staff will be trained to observe the measures necessary to promote the public nuisance objective.
12. The premises will be adequately ventilated to prevent nuisance.
13. Arrangements will be made for the storage and disposal of refuse which do not cause a nuisance.
14. Any noise from the licensable activities provided will be monitored in order to prevent nuisance.
15. Staff will be trained to observe the measures necessary to promote the protection of children objective.
16. No persons under the age of 16 shall be permitted on the premises.
Conditions agreeed SY Police 19.10.21
17. Drinks may not be removed from the premises in open containers save for consumption in any external area provided for that purpose.
18. The use of glass alternative drinking vessels shall be utilised in accordance with the premises assessment of risk.
19. There shall be a zero tolerance policy in relation to drugs at the premises and there shall be regular checks by management to prevent the use of drugs by patrons. Drugs seized shall be stored securely and handed to the Police.