A suitable closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system will be operational at the premises at all times when licensable activities are being carried out and ay any other times where members of the public are present on the premises.
The CCTV system will cover the main entrance(s), exits and designated emergency egress routes from the premises.
The CCTV system will be of a satisfactory resolution quality which will enable the identification of persons and activities and other fine details such as vehicle registration number plates.
The CCTV system will contain the correct time and date stamp information.
The CCTV system will have sufficient storage retention capacity for a minimum of 31 days continuous footage which will be of good quality.
The CCTV footage will be controlled and kept in a secure environment to prevent tampering or authorising viewing. A record will be kept of who has access the system, the reason why and when.
A designated member of staff at the premises will be authorised to access the CCTV footage and be conversant with operating the CCTV system. At the request of an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority or a responsible authority (under the Licensing Act 2003) any CCTV footage, as requested, will be downloaded immediately or secured to prevent any overwriting. The CCTV footage material will be supplied, on request, to an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority or a responsible authority.
The PLH/DPS will ensure that an Incident Report Register is maintained on the premises to record incidents such as anti-social behaviour, admissions refusals and ejections from the premises.
The Incident Report Register will contain consecutively numbered pages, the date time and location of the incident, details of the nature of the incident, the names and registration numbers of any door staff involved or to whom the incident was reported, the names and personal licence numbers (if any) of any other staff involved or to whom the incident was reported, the names and numbers of any police officers attending, the police incident and / or crime number, names and addresses of any witnesses and confirmation of whether there is CCTV footage of the incident.
The Incident Report Register will be produced for inspection immediately on the request of an authorised officer.
A suitable purpose-made receptacle for the safe retention of illegal substances will be provided and arrangements made for the safe disposal of its contents as agreed with South Yorkshire Police or British Transport Police.
The PLH/DPS will belong to a recognised trade body or Pub Watch Scheme where one exists, whose aims include the promotion of the licensing objectives.
There will be a minimum of 1 SIA Registered Door Supervisor from 22:00 hours on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays before Bank Holidays. At all other times the use of SIA Registered Door Supervisors will be risk assessed.
Empty bottles and glasses will be collected regularly and promptly. Glass and other sharp objects will be stored and disposed of safely using suitable receptacles. Receptacles will be secured and not accessible to the customers.
The PLH/DPS will prominently display notices which inform customers that open bottles or glasses may not be taken off the premises (the outside area forms part of the premises and so open bottle and glasses can be taken there).
Written records of all accidents and safety incidents involving members of the public will be kept. These will be made available at the request of an authorised officer.
A written spillage policy will be kept, ensuring spillages are dealt with in a timely and safe manner.
Members of the public will be prevented from accessing hot food and drink preparation areas to prevent risk of scalds or burns to them.
Noise from a licensable activity at the premises will be inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive premises.
Licensable activities will be conducted and the facilities for the licence will be designated and operated so as to prevent he transmission of audible noise or perceptible vibration through the fabric of the building or structure to adjoining properties.
The premises licence holder and/or designated premises supervisor will ensure patrons use the external area in a manner which does not cause disturbance to nearby residents and business in the vicinity. Patrons will not use the external area after 23:00 hours.
The PLH/DPS and staff ask for proof of age from any person appearing to be under the age of 21 who attempts to purchase alcohol at the premises.
The PLH/DPS and staff will ask for acceptable evidence of proof of age. This shall include identification bearing the customers photograph, date of birth and integral holographic mark or security measure. Suitable means of identification would include PASS approved proof of age card, photo-card driving licence and passport. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult/parent or guardian.
No children under the age of 18 shall be permitted to remain on the premises after 19.00 hours.
Agreed conditions SY Police 9.11.21
The use of glass alternative drinking vessels shall be utilised in accordance with the premises assessment of risk.
Staff will receive training on matters concerning underage sales, drugs policies, and operating procedures. Records of such training will be kept and made available for inspection of the authorities.
There shall be a zero tolerance policy in relation to drugs at the premises and there shall be regular checks by management to prevent the use of drugs by patrons. Drugs seized shall be stored securely and handed to the Police.
To acquire a suitable number of radio sets for the premises and to take the CCRAC Radio Scheme (City Centre Retails Against Crime) into use at all times when trading, and continue to be a user whilst this system is in use within Sheffield.
Agreed conditions Environmental Protection Service 15.11.21
Noise from a licensable activity at the premises will be inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive premises.
Licensable activities will be conducted and the facilities for the licence will be designated and operated so as to prevent the transmission of audible noise or perceptible vibration through the fabric of the building or structure to adjoining properties.
The premises licence holder and/or designated premises supervisor will ensure patrons use the external area in a manner which does not cause disturbance to nearby residents and business in the vicinity. Patrons will not use the external area after 23:00 hours.
Movement, sorting or removal of waste materials, recyclables or their containers in the open air shall be carried on only between the hours of 07:00 to 23:00 Mondays to Saturdays and between the hours of 09:00 to 23:00 on Sundays and Public Holidays.
Externally mounted and/or externally venting plant and equipment shall be designed, operated, and maintained such that the total LAr plant noise rating level does not exceed the LA90 background sound level at any time, when measured or calculated at the position of the nearest residential bedroom window of Telephone House.