1. The Licensee, that is the person in whose name the premises licence is issued, shall ensure that all times when the premises are for any licensable activity, there are sufficient competent staff on duty at the premises for the purpose of fulfilling the terms and conditions of the licence and for preventing crime and disorder. The Licensee shall ensure that all staff have undertaken training in their responsibilities in relation to the sale of alcohol, particularly with regard to drunkenness and underage persons. Records will be kept of training and refresher training.
2. The organisers are committed to reducing crime at the event. Measures will be taken to ensure that opportunist criminals and organised groups do not have the opportunity to spoil the event for the majority of customers. Include measures such as pre-approving the guests invited to this private event, having a visible presence of SIA & security staff patrolling the venue, limiting alcoholic drink tokens given to guests, as well as including a full search regime on entry to the event.
3. Any persons apprehended by security staff in the commission of a criminal offence will be passed to the Police. Security staff will also assist, where possible, in the identification and apprehension of offenders and the prevention of crimes. An incident log will be maintained during the event with full details of any occurrences of crime and disorder to be recorded, this log can be made available to the police and other members of the SAG.
4. An appointed safety team will be on site for our event day including, a safety officer, fire safety officer, designated safeguarding officer and security team to ensure all aspects of public safety are considered.
5. Appropriate fire safety procedures are in place including fire extinguishers (foam, H20 and CO2), fire blanket, internally illuminated fire exit signs and emergency lighting (see enclosed plan for details of locations). All appliances are inspected annually. All emergency exits shall be kept free from obstruction at all times.
6. An event management plan will be submitted to the local authority outlining all public safety procedures that the event will follow.
7. The licence holder will ensure that all staff receive appropriate training about emergency and general safety precautions and procedures.
8. Free drinking water will be available at all times the premises is open to the public.
9. The electrical system at the premises, including portable appliances will be inspected and tested annually by a competent person and a satisfactory safety report obtained.
10. The gas system, including appliances, will be inspected annually and tested by a Gas Safe Registered engineer and a satisfactory Gas Safety Certificate must be obtained. All safety certificates and inspection reports will be kept on site and made available for inspection by officers of relevant statutory bodies.
11. An adequate and appropriate supply of first aiders and first aid equipment and materials will be available on the premises.
12. All customers will be asked to leave quietly, as they exit through the exit gates. Also, clear and legible notices will be prominently displayed to remind customers to leave quietly and have regard to our neighbours.
13. Sumo will be commissioning a company (Company TBC) to monitor noise throughout the event. Sound levels will be maintained within conditions agreed within licensing. Live performance of amplified and unamplified music will start on the day of the event at 11:30am-21:30pm. Playing of recorded music is for background music purposes only and will start at 11am-21:30pm. Sound checks will be made the day before the event for the shortest amount of time needed to avoid additional nuisance.
14. Subject to levels to be advised by Environmental Health, the following event noise management control measures can be considered for adoption:
• Pre-event controls - agree noise levels with Environmental Health and Licensing Application representatives, inform all contractors (inc. PA suppliers) of any noise constraints
• Event controls - monitor and control music noise to agreed levels, curtail sound checks to agreed levels, times and duration, monitor and control event noise to agreed levels
• Complaint handling - inform residents of contact telephone number and key event information to register noise complaints, maintain event and post-event complaints log, respond to complaints in an appropriate and timely manner
• Public address - use only for control and commentary purposes, use low powered speakers pointing down and inwards to the event area
• Generators - locate in a position to minimise noise impact, specify max. noise levels with generator suppliers / users
• Concessions - traders prohibited from playing music / using PA systems/ generators without noise limiters.
15. Although this event is for over 18s, to ensure there is an appropriate and proportionate response to vulnerable people who attend the event, a safeguarding policy is in place where any children attempting to enter the event or vulnerable adults will be taken to welfare point where there will be a designated safeguarding officer.
16. In regard to alcohol, the licensee and staff will ask persons who appear to be under the age of 25 for photographic ID such as photographic driving licence or passport. All staff will be trained for prevention of underage sale. A register of refused sales shall be kept and maintained on the premises.
Agreed Conditions with South Yorkshire Police Licensing - 20/03/2023
17. All planning for the event will be in line with recommendations laid out in the online ‘Purple Guide’ and HSG154-Managing Crowds Safely.
18. All drinks to be served in non-glass drinking vessels, where a drink is in a bottle and this is not plastic, the contents will be decanted into a plastic vessel.
19. The applicant will provide a draft Event Management Plan to the Safety Advisory Group at least 2 months prior to the event day. The Safety Advisory Group will be provided with details of planning for the Event.
20. The Event Management Plan shall comprise but not be limited to:
a. -Event Safety Management Plan
b. -Event Risk Assessment
- Site Schedule - Site Plan
- Site Safety Plan
c. - Emergency Plan (Including Emergency Evacuation plan and Show Stop Procedure) Security and Stewarding Plan (including ingress and egress plans, searching as agreed with local police, deployment plan and terrorism risk assessment) as agreed with Sheffield Police.
- Drugs Policy - Noise Management Plan (including residents hot line information and designated off site monitoring locations as agreed with Environmental Health Team)
- Fire Safety Assessment and Plan
- Adverse Weather Plan
- Medical Needs & Management Plan
d. - Concessions Management Plan - Alcohol Management Plan,
- Transport and Traffic Management Plan
- Construction Phase Plan, Risk Assessments and Method Statements.
- Sanitation Plan - Waste and Litter Management Plan (including litter management on & offsite/residential as agreed with Safety Advisory Group)
- Welfare Plan (including Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy).
21. A final version of the Event Management Plan will be submitted to the Safety Advisory Group no later than 28 days before the event day.
22. No customers carrying opened bottles upon entry shall be admitted, drinks may not be removed outside of the perimeter of the event site.
23. The Designated Premise Supervisor, management team and relevant staff to be trained via online e learning package “Action Counters Terrorism” available on any relevant government approved training following a change in name.
Agreed Conditions with Environmental Protection - 21/03/2023
Planning for the Event:
24. The Premises Licence Holder shall appoint a suitably qualified noise consultant, to the approval of the Environmental Protection Service, to produce a Noise Management Plan (NMP). The NMP shall be produced no later than 6 weeks prior to the event and shall include details of predicted noise levels at nearest noise sensitive properties based on modelling, or actual noise measurements. The noise level predictions shall only be based on the sound system to be deployed for the event. The NMP shall detail measures for how noise will be monitored and proactively managed during the event. The appointed noise consultant shall liaise between all parties - Environmental Protection Service, Production Manager, DPS, sound system suppliers, sound engineers, Licensing Authority, on all matters relating to noise control prior to and during the event.
Prior to the Event:
25. A noise propagation test shall be undertaken with the Environmental Protection Service present, prior to the start of the event in order to set appropriate control limits at the sound mixer position. The sound system shall be configured and operated in a similar manner as intended for the event. The sound source used for the test shall be similar in character to the music most likely to be produced during the event.
26. The noise consultant shall ensure that prior to the event during any testing of equipment, minimum noise levels are emitted from the sound equipment to reduce to its lowest level any noise nuisance to local residents.
During the Event:
27. The noise consultant shall ensure that noise is monitored at the perimeter of the site (or other appropriate noise sensitive location) throughout the event, and at least during each different artist.
28. The noise consultant shall comply with any request made by a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to reduce or remix sound emanating from the amplification system.
29. Facilities shall be provided on the mixing desk, or other appropriate position, for a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to monitor and where necessary secure a reduction in noise level to a reasonable level.
After the Event
30. A compliance/ evaluation report shall be produced within 6 weeks of the event detailing monitored noise levels during the event, compliance with agreed levels, number of complaints received and action taken as a result of complaints, recommendations for future events.