1. All planning for the event will be in line with recommendations laid out in the online ‘Purple Guide’ and HSG154- Managing Crowds Safely.
2. There shall be at least one personal licence holder in the bar present whilst the bars is in operation. Furthermore, whenever the premises are open to the public the Designated Premises Supervisor shall be present within the licensed premises.
3. Plastic glasses or cans will be used at the bar. Where a drink is in a bottle and this is not plastic, the contents of said bottle will be decanted into a plastic glass. The use of cans at events shall be risk assessed.
4. The boundaries of the licensed premises will be clearly fenced and marked so that staff, interested parties, police and members of the public can clearly see what areas are licensed.
5. All core event staff and personnel will be issued with a radio and will be in contact with event control.
6. All licensed door staff will use radios to contact each other and will wear hi-visibility arm bands with their SIA badge clearly on display. They will also be in high visibility jackets or similar and should be clearly identifiable as security.
7. All stewards will wear high visibility jackets or similar and should be clearly identifiable as stewards.
8. The appointed security contractor will provide SIA registered security staff provision, including the mix of male/female staff will be based on a risk assessment carried out no less than one month before any event.
9. Outside the permitted hours for alcohol, all alcoholic drinks shall be secured safely to prevent their sale or theft.
10. Any patrons displaying signs of drunkenness or use of drugs will be ejected from the premises where it is safe to do so, or admitted to onsite welfare facilities until they are deemed safe to be ejected. Where anti-social behaviour is observed in connection with alcohol or drugs the patron will be ejected when safe to do so.
11. Refusal logbooks will be completed for any refusal of the sale of alcohol. There will be one book at every bar and will be made available upon request to officers from Sheffield City Council, Trading Standards or South Yorkshire Police.
12. Security will be posted at key locations, as identified within the EMP and agreed with all relevant statutory authorities, around the event site to ensure the protection of adjoining residencies and businesses.
13. All drugs or illicit substances found or confiscated on site will be logged via radio at the point of confiscation and then returned to the event HQ where it will be securely stored and logged in a drugs book which shall be made available © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2009 upon request to Officers from South Yorkshire Police. All contraband along with seizure records will be handed to South Yorkshire Police at the end of the event.
14. A dedicated area in the site, adjacent to the First Aid section, will be provided for welfare provision to treat and ensure the safety of any vulnerable patrons in the premises.
15. Adequate medical provision will be made available in line with calculations from the “Purple Guide” and following a risk assessment carried out by the medical provider.
16. An incident book will be completed for any incident that takes place within the licensed premises. The book will be made available upon request to officers from the Licensing Authority, Trading Standards and South Yorkshire Police.
17. Waste management teams, alongside event staff will be engaged to ensure the event site is cleaned and returned to it
18. Attendees will be reminded of the residential location via digital media in advance of the event and clear signage throughout the event site will be used to remind and inform attendees of the proximity of residential areas.
19. Noise limits will be agreed with local authority noise management agents and adhered to vigorously. All residents within the area will be advised, by way of a letter drop, of any use of the premises, no less than one month before any event. A contact number will be provided in this letter drop for residents to be able to contact the noise management staff to ensure any complaints can be dealt with in a timely fashion.
20. Sufficient sanitary facilities will be made available within the premises to prevent public urination (as per the Event Management Plan).
21. Following discussion with Sheffield City Council Environmental Protection team, noise limits will be set in advance. These limits will be implemented throughout the course of the build, de-rig and live dates.
22. The organisers will monitor on-site dB noise levels and ensure that set noise limits will be adhered to, with regular reading to be taken and recorded.
23. A dedicated festival 'hotline' will be in place for local residents to contact the festival organisers, enabling them to respond to noise disturbance concerns and react accordingly.
24. Depending on the specific event, the site will either be restricted to people who are 18 years or older or it will be open to all ages. When applicable, anyone under the age of 18 will need to be accompanied by an adult. 2 people under 18 can be accompanied by one adult (exceptions due to circumstances will be made e.g. single guardians and large family groups). Vigorous ID checks will be carried out at the point of entry and sale for any age restricted products.
25. All age restricted sales training undertaken by staff members will be fully documented and recorded prior to being allowed to sell alcohol.
26. The premises will adopt a ‘Challenge 25’ policy whereby any person attempting to buy alcohol who appears to be under 25 will be asked for photographic ID as proof of their age. The only ID that will be accepted are valid passports and UK driving licences with a photograph or proof of age cards bearing the ‘PASS’ mark hologram. The list of approved ID may be amended or revised with the prior agreement of South Yorkshire Police and the Licensing Authority without the need to amend the actual licence.
Agreed Conditions - 08/12/2022 - SYP
1. A regular schedule of Safety Advisory Group meetings will be produced. Any reasonable requirements of the Safety Advisory Group will be complied with in order to ensure that the event site is suitable for its intended use.
2. A joint strategy between the events security firm, management team and South Yorkshire Police will be developed and agreed.
3. Persons exiting the event will do so in a peaceful, non-confrontational manner and under the direction of event security.
4. Detailed Stewarding and Policing plans will be provided to the Safety Advisory Group for discussion and agreement.
5. The event is limited to one per annum over a two day period.
6. No customers carrying opened bottles upon entry shall be admitted, drinks may not be removed outside of the perimeter of the event site.
7. The event security firm to operate in accordance with a formal events search policy.
8. Relevant staff to be trained via online e learning package “Action Counters Terrorism” available on
9. Event organiser to provide a Counter terrorism risk assessment and suitable plans to respond to most likely attack methodologies, including but not limited to Evacuation plans, Invacuation and lock down plans, outlining an agreed Blue light route for emergency response to the venue.
9. A minimum of one children’s safeguarder will be assigned to duty at events involving children and young people. This member of staff must act in compliance with the guidance and training provided by the Sheffield Safeguarding Partnership including a children and young people’s risk assessment for each event.
Agreed Additional Conditions with Health Protection Service 21/12/2022
1. The applicant will provide a draft Event Management Plan to the Safety Advisory Group at least 6 months prior to the First Event Day. The Safety Advisory Group will be provided with details of planning for the Event.
2. The Event Management Plan shall comprise but not be limited to:
-Event Safety Management Plan
-Event Risk Assessment
- Site Schedule - Site Plan
- Site Safety Plan
- Emergency Plan (Including Emergency Evacuation plan and Show Stop Procedure) Security and Stewarding Plan (including ingress and egress plans, searching as agreed with local police, deployment plan and terrorism risk assessment) as agreed with Sheffield Police.
- Drugs Policy - Noise Management Plan (including residents hot line information and designated off site monitoring locations as agreed with Environmental Health Team)
- Fire Safety Assessment and Plan
- Adverse Weather Plan
- Medical Needs & Management Plan
- Concessions Management Plan - Alcohol Management Plan,
- Transport and Traffic Management Plan
- Construction Phase Plan, Risk Assessments and Method Statements.
- Sanitation Plan - Waste and Litter Management Plan (including litter management on & offsite/residential as agreed with Safety Advisory Group)
- Welfare Plan (including Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy)
3. A final version of the Event Management Plan will be submitted to the Safety Advisory Group no later than 28 days before the First Event Day.
4. No customers carrying opened bottles upon entry shall be admitted, drinks may not be removed outside of the perimeter of the event site.
5. The event security firm to operate in accordance with a formal events search policy.
6. The Designated Premise Supervisor, management team and relevant staff to be trained via online e learning package “Action Counters Terrorism” available on or any relevant government approved training following a change in name.
The type of music event and music genre shall be agreed in writing with the Major Events Team
Agreed conditions with Environmental Protection Service 15/12/2022.
Planning for the Event:
1. The Premises Licence Holder shall appoint a suitably qualified noise consultant, to the approval of the Environmental Protection Service, to produce a Noise Management Plan (NMP). The NMP shall be produced no later than 6 weeks prior to the event and shall include details of predicted noise levels at nearest noise sensitive properties based on modelling, or actual noise measurements. The noise level predictions shall only be based on the sound system to be deployed for the event. The NMP shall detail measures for how noise will be monitored and proactively managed during the event. The appointed noise consultant shall liaise between all parties - Environmental Protection Service, Production Manager, DPS, sound system suppliers, sound engineers, Licensing Authority, on all matters relating to noise control prior to and during the event.
Prior to the Event:
2. A noise propagation test shall be undertaken with the Environmental Protection Service present, prior to the start of the event in order to set appropriate control limits at the sound mixer position. The sound system shall be configured and operated in a similar manner as intended for the event. The sound source used for the test shall be similar in character to the music most likely to be produced during the event.
3. The noise consultant shall ensure that prior to the event during any testing of equipment, minimum noise levels are emitted from the sound equipment to reduce to its lowest level any noise nuisance to local residents.
During the Event:
4. The noise consultant shall ensure that noise is monitored at the perimeter of the site (or other appropriate noise sensitive location) throughout the event, and at least during each different artist.
5. The noise consultant shall comply with any request made by a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to reduce or remix sound emanating from the amplification system.
6. Facilities shall be provided on the mixing desk, or other appropriate position, for a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to monitor and where necessary secure a reduction in noise level to a reasonable level.
After the Event
7. A compliance/ evaluation report shall be produced within 6 weeks of the event detailing monitored noise levels during the event, compliance with agreed levels, number of complaints received and action taken as a result of complaints, recommendations for future events.