Agreed Replacement Conditions - Health & Safety, SYP 19.06.23
a) General - all four licensing objectives
1. 2 Four 6 Marketing Ltd has undertaken a full evaluation of its proposed activities with due regard to the promotion of all four licensing objectives. A competent team of event professionals and specialists have been appointed to design, plan and safely deliver 90s Festival with minimal impact to the local community and the least possible inconvenience to surrounding business and residents.
2. The planning process involves full and on-going consultation with the Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG) and Multi-Agency Meetings (MAM) through formal group meetings and appropriate discussions and meetings with individual SAG & MAM partners. Including various representatives from Sheffield City Council, the emergency services and other relevant agencies.
3. The planning and consultation process is key in the development of a comprehensive Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP) for the event. The ESMP examines all aspects of our activities and the steps to be taken to ensure a safe and successful event that takes full account of all four licensing objectives. The ESMP covers all aspects of the event in detail and sets out the various measures to be taken and policies to be followed by 2 Four 6 Marketing Ltd.
4. Specific measures that are designed to ensure the prevention of crime and disorder; public safety; the prevention of public nuisance; and the protection of children from harm are detailed throughout the Event Safety Management Plan.
5. A full Event Safety Management Plan including appendices will be produced for the event and submitted to the Responsible Authorities through the SAG process. In addition to the Event Safety Management Plan, complete Risk Assessments, Site Maps, Security Crowd Management Plan, Search and Ejection Policies, Medical Plan, Vulnerable Persons Plan, Noise Management Plan and other supporting documentation will be submitted to Responsible Authorities.
b) The prevention of crime and disorder
6. The event management team will coordinate with stewarding (crowd management) and security staff and South Yorkshire Police to ensure procedures are in place for combating crime and disorder. Where appropriate and in accordance with the Security Industry Authority regulations, stewards and security operating will be SIA registered; all supervisors of stewards will be SIA registered; all crowd management personnel will be trained to NVQ Level 2 or equivalent or as necessary in accordance with legislation.
7. The event site will be enclosed within a secure perimeter fence. This will be subject to regular security patrols. Entrance to the event is strictly by ticket and purchase of a ticket requires acceptance by customers of the event Terms and Conditions. Entrance points to the event will be tightly controlled by SIA licensed staff who will refuse admission to anyone breaching the terms and conditions. Ticket holders and their belongings will be subject to searching by the security team.
8. The stewarding and security team, with sufficient numbers of appropriately trained personnel, will be in operation within the event site. The security team will monitor the event at all times to prevent criminal and/or disorderly behaviour. Any persons found to be undertaking criminal activities will be apprehended/removed and anyone displaying disorderly behaviour will be ejected. The event operates a strict no readmissions policy for such offenders.
9. The Designated Premises Supervisor will strictly control all sales of alcohol to customers and a Check 25 system will be in operation. The event will operate a zero-tolerance policy on drugs through thorough entrance searches. This will be communicated to attendees via social media updates prior to the event, and signage at the event entrance and around the site. Drug amnesty bins will be in position at all entry. The event organisers are also operating a harm reduction policy/procedure throughout.
10. A full Event Safety Management Plan including appendices will be produced for the event and submitted to the Responsible Authorities through the SAG process. In addition to the Event Safety Management Plan, complete Risk Assessments, Site Maps, Security Crowd Management Plan, Search and Ejection Policies, Medical Plan, Vulnerable Persons Plan, Noise Management Plan and other supporting documentation will be submitted to Responsible Authorities.
c) Public safety
11. Public safety is of paramount importance to 2 Four 6 Marketing Ltd. It is in the interests of the organisers to ensure that their customers have a safe and enjoyable experience. The event management team will consult with the SAG on the proposals within the Event Safety Management Plan to ensure all plans are in accordance with the licensing objectives. The event plans have been developed to meet guidance under the Event Safety Guide (HSG 195) and Managing Crowds Safely (HSG154). These plans will be developed through consultation with each agency.
12. For all major events exceeding 499 people, the licensee shall engage with the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) and provide a suitable person to attend SAG meetings to discuss any major events to be held at the site under this licence, in whatever form those meetings may take. A suitable person will be defined as a person who has the knowledge, experience and authority to make decisions upon the provisions for the safe running of the event. For all other licensable events under this licence with a capacity of 499 or less, at least 14 days’ notice should be given to the licensing authority.
13. The event management team will appoint an experienced and competent Safety Officer and Advisor whom will manage all matters that may impact upon the health, safety and welfare of the audience, contractors and the event workforce.
14. 2 Four 6 Marketing Ltd shall provide a draft Event Management Plan to the Safety Advisory Group at least 2 months prior to the event day.
15. A final version of the Event Management Plan will be submitted to the Safety Advisory Group no later than 28 days before the event day.
16. No customers carrying opened bottles upon entry shall be admitted, drinks may not be removed outside of the perimeter of the event site.
17. All drinks to be served in non-glass drinking vessels, where a drink is in a bottle and this is not plastic, the contents will be decanted into a plastic vessel.
18. The Designated Premise Supervisor, management team and relevant staff to be trained via online e learning package “Action Counters Terrorism” available on <> or any relevant government approved training following a change in name.
19. The type of music event and music genre shall be agreed in writing with the Major Events Team.
20. The event site has been carefully designed to safely and comfortably accommodate the proposed occupant capacity and there is sufficient exit width to allow safe emergency evacuation should the need arise. Comprehensive ingress/egress, emergency evacuation plans and occupant capacity calculations have been prepared and are included in the Event Safety Management Plan.
21. A suitably experienced and competent crowd management and security company will be appointed to provide advice on such matters. A crowd management plan will be produced, together with a stewarding and security deployment schedule and will be included in a later version of this document.
22. A comprehensive event risk assessment has been prepared and included as an appendix to this document including a fire risk assessment. The risk assessment details the measures to be taken to minimise risk to acceptable levels across all activities. The risk of danger to public safety is addressed in this risk assessment.
23. A specialist event medical provider will be appointed to provide medical provision and supporting infrastructure to the event; this will include an onsite medical treatment facility suitable for treating minor injuries and triage for assessment of other injuries. Patients that may require transport to a local hospital will be transported by our medical contractor in a private ambulance. Medical provisions have been suitably calculated using guidance from the Event Safety Guide (HSG195).
24. A welfare facility will be provided onsite to ensure customers have access to basic welfare needs, advice and support. In addition, the provision of adequate toilet facilities and access to food and soft drinks will be in place. Drinking water will be available free of charge at each bar, welfare area, and front of stage barrier.
25. Suitability and design of all temporary structures is outlined within the ESMP and the risk assessment. All appropriate documentation is collated from contractors, paying particular attention to design, structural calculations, wind loading, imposed loads, liability insurance, method statements and risk assessments.
26. A site wide inspection will be undertaken before the event is open to the public and at the beginning of each day. These inspections will be undertaken by 2 Four 6 Marketing Ltd Event Management & the Safety Advisor.
27. At least 28 days’ notice must be given to the responsible authority for public safety and Licensing for the use of special effects including the use of Lasers, Pyrotechnics etc and these shall not be used until written approval has been given.
28. A full Event Safety Management Plan including appendices will be produced for the event and approved by Responsible Authorities through the SAG process. In addition to the Event Safety Management Plan, complete Risk Assessments, Site Maps, Security Crowd Management Plan, Search and Ejection Policies, Medical Plan, Vulnerable Persons Plan, Noise Management Plan and other supporting documentation will be submitted to Responsible Authorities.
d) The prevention of public nuisance
29. 2 Four 6 Marketing Ltd is committed to producing an event that has a minimal impact upon the surrounding area, local community and nearby residents.
30. The potential for noise nuisance has been recognised by the 2 Four 6 Marketing Ltd event management team and a suitable noise management plan will be drawn up to control and minimise the risk of this becoming a nuisance. We will ensure appropriate noise control levels are in place in accordance with the Code of Practice on Environmental Noise Control at Concerts. Noise measurements will be taken at mixing desks and nearest noise sensitive premises to ensure appropriate noise levels are not exceeded.
31. Early event finish times are specifically planned to limit noise nuisance to residents in the surrounding area. The early finish times have also been reflected in the overall plans to aid the migration of attendees at the end of the event to meet public transport connections. Consequently, attendees of the event are not stranded in the local area after the event.
32. The event management team will ensure there is a suitable and sufficient waste and cleansing operation both in the event site and the immediate surrounding area.
33. The event management team will ensure that local residents and businesses are consulted of such specific event plans to ensure their views are considered and concerns, where practicable, are addressed.
34. Provision of adequate numbers of temporary toilets will eliminate any potential nuisance that could result from inadequate facilities.
35. Proactive management of event traffic will ensure that disruption to the local road network and its users is kept to a minimum. A robust Traffic Management Plan drawn up in consultation with the relevant agencies will operate with support from a professional traffic management and signage company.
36. No customers carrying opened bottles upon entry shall be admitted, drinks may not be removed outside of the perimeter of the event site.
Noise Additional:
37. A noise propagation test shall be undertaken with the Environmental Protection Service present, prior to the start of the event in order to set appropriate control limits at the sound mixer position. The sound system shall be configured and operated in a similar manner as intended for the event. The sound source used for the test shall be similar in character to the music most likely to be produced during the event.
38. The ‘noise-co-ordinator’ shall ensure that prior to the event during any testing of equipment, minimum noise levels are emitted from the sound equipment to reduce to its lowest level any noise nuisance to local residents.
During the event
39. The ‘noise co-ordinator’ shall ensure that the noise is monitored at the perimeter of the site (or other appropriate noise sensitive location) throughout the event, and at least during each different artist.
40. The noise co-ordinator shall comply with any request made by a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to reduce or remix sound emanating from the amplification system.
41. Facilities shall be provided on the mixing desk, or other appropriate position, for a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to monitor and where necessary secure a reduction on noise level.
42. A full Event Safety Management Plan including appendices will be produced for the event and submitted to the Responsible Authorities through the SAG process. In addition to the Event Safety Management Plan, complete Risk Assessments, Site Maps, Security Crowd Management Plan, Search and Ejection Policies, Medical Plan, Vulnerable Persons Plan, Noise Management Plan and other supporting documentation will be submitted to Responsible Authorities.
e) The protection of children from harm
43. The event is for persons aged 18 and over. We recognise that it is illegal to sell alcohol to or purchase alcohol for any persons under the age of 18 years. The event will operate the national Challenge 25 policy. Staff serving alcohol will challenge any persons who they believe may be under the age of 25 years and will request that they produce valid photographic identification.
44. Under Age Persons: Under-eighteens refused entry or ejected from the event will be safeguarded until they can be left in the care of a responsible adult.
45. This particularly applies to under-eighteens found to be intoxicated but not requiring medical attention. This also covers those adults whose demeanour indicates they would be classed as vulnerable if they were to leave the area unaccompanied and who may be a danger to themselves or others, even in cases where they have received professional medical attention and been discharged.
46. Security, Vulnerable Persons and Medical Plan has further detail on under age/vulnerable persons.
47. A full Event Safety Management Plan including appendices will be produced for the event and submitted to the Responsible Authorities through the SAG process. In addition to the Event Safety Management Plan, complete Risk Assessments, Site Maps, Security Crowd Management Plan, Search and Ejection Policies, Medical Plan, Vulnerable Persons Plan, Noise Management Plan and other supporting documentation will be submitted to Responsible Authorities.