1. Alcoholic drinks may not be removed from the premises in open containers except for consumption in external areas provided for that purpose or within the demise of the sports grounds / club grounds.
2. Staff will receive training on matters concerning underage sales and operating procedures.
3. The premises shall operate a proof of age scheme and will require photographic identification from any person who appears to be under the age of 25 years.
4. A refusals book (or equivalent) will be maintained audited by management.
5. CCTV is installed with recording facilities such recordings shall be retained for a period of 28 days (except where such retention cannot be achieved due to reasonable periods of maintenance or repair) and made available within a reasonable time upon request by the police as long as the request is in accordance with data protection principles.
6. It is considered that the nature of the operation, a door supervisor would not be required, however a risk assessment will be undertaken should unusual events take place and if they consider it appropriate, will deploy the same.
7. The use of glass alternative drinking vessels shall be utilised in accordance with the premises assessment of risk but on matchdays alcohol sold for consumption in external areas will be provided or decanted into toughened glassware or non-glass vessels.
8. Where appropriate, prominent, clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting the public respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and area quietly
9. Noise shall not emanate from the premises so as to cause a nuisance to nearby noise sensitive properties.
10. There shall be adequate controls in place including staff training to safeguard against the sale of alcohol to persons under 18 years
11. Children under the age of 16 shall not be permitted to remain on the premises after 22:00 unless accompanied by an adult and attending a pre-booked family type function.
12. The premises supervisor or appointed staff member shall ensure that when children are admitted to the premises their presence is not inconsistent with the style of operation of the premises at that time and the licensable activities that are being carried out.
13. Policies in relation to children shall be adequately communicated to patrons by staff or through appropriate signage.