1. Sale / Provision of alcohol for consumption off the premises shall be restricted to the Kop stand general circulation areas, and subject to appropriate sports stadia legislation in respect of drinking within sight of the pitch.
2. A CCTV system shall be fitted, maintained and in use at all times the premises are open.
3. CCTV images shall be stored for minimum 28 days.
4. CCTV images shall be fed into stadium control.
5. Police and authorised officers of the Council shall be given access to CCTV images for purposes in connection with the prevention and/or detection of crime and disorder.
6. Members of the management team shall be trained in the use of the CCTV system.
7. The area shall be stewarded as per the matchday operations manual, or in the event of a non-matchday opening, subject to a written risk assessment which shall be produced upon request to officers of the council and South Yorkshire Police.
8. Layout and capacity calculations shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (“The Green Guide”) published by the Sports Grounds Safety Authority. Such details shall be recorded in the matchday operations manual and the stadiums general safety certificate.
9. A site-specific stewarding and security plan shall be devised and included in the matchday operations manual.
10. The site shall be subject to annual inspection under the terms of the general safety certificate for the stadium, issued by the Council as the Certifying Authority.
11. All drinks served at the site shall be in non-glass containers or decanted into the same.
12. Clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting that customers respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and area quietly.
13. The Challenge 25 scheme shall be in operation at the premises, with a refusals / incident log maintained.
14. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children.
15. A safeguarding lead will be appointed as per the matchday operations manual. For non-matchday events, the designated premises supervisor shall assume this role.
Conditions agreed with SYP 30.07.2024
16. SIA door staff will be employed when operating during a first team men’s fixture at Bramall Lane Stadium. SIA staff will be present at least 2 hours prior to kick off until the end of trade. The use of security staff to be risk assessed at all other times. Risk assessments to be kept on site for a minimum of 6 months and made available, at request, to the responsible authorities.
17. The event security firm to operate in accordance with a formal events search policy.
18. Staff will receive training concerning, but not limited to,
-Vulnerability awareness
-Crime scene preservation
-Drugs policies
-Underage sales/Challenge 25 scheme /Proxy Sales/Fake ID’s
-Counter terrorism (available on <> or any relevant government approved training following a change in name)
-CCTV operation (authorised staff only)
19. Suitable refresher training to be completed at least once per calendar year commencing the year after their date of employment. A written record to be retained for a minimum of 12 months and shall be made available to the Police and/or Licensing Authority upon request.
20. The premise will clearly communicate their ‘home fans only’ entry policy with regards football fans in a clear written format on entry and via the premises online platforms.
Conditions applicable to events outside regular football ‘fan zone’ operation:
21. Save for football sporting events, notice must be given for any proposed major event (capacity exceeding 499 person at any one time) under this licence in writing to South Yorkshire Police Licensing Department, the Licensing Service and the Enforcing Authority for Health and Safety/Responsible Authority for Public Safety six weeks in advance of the start date of any event.
22. For all major events exceeding 499 people, the licensee shall engage with the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) and provide a suitable person to attend SAG meetings to discuss any major events to be held at the site under this licence, in whatever form those meetings may take. A suitable person will be defined as a person who has the knowledge, experience and authority to make decisions upon the provisions for the safe running of the event. For all other licensable events under this licence with a capacity of 499 or less, at least 14 days’ notice should be given to the licensing authority.
23. A suitably qualified and experienced event safety officer shall be employed for all major events, with details provided in the draft Event Management Plan.
24. For major events, the applicant will provide a draft Event Management Plan to the Safety Advisory Group at least 2 months prior to the First Event Day. The Safety Advisory Group will be provided with details of planning for the Event.
25. The Event Management Plan shall comprise but not be limited to:
- Event Safety Management Plan
- Event Risk Assessment
- Site Schedule
- Site Plan
- Site Safety Plan
- Emergency Plan (Including Emergency Evacuation plan and Show Stop Procedure) Security and Stewarding Plan (including ingress and egress plans, searching as agreed with local police, deployment plan and terrorism risk assessment) as agreed with Sheffield Police.
- Drugs Policy
- Noise Management Plan (including residents hot line information and designated off site monitoring locations as agreed with Environmental Health Team)
- Fire Safety Assessment and Plan
- Adverse Weather Plan
- Medical Needs & Management Plan
- Concessions Management Plan
- Alcohol Management Plan
- Transport and Traffic Management Plan
- Construction Phase Plan, Risk Assessments and Method Statements.
- Sanitation Plan - Waste and Litter Management Plan (including litter management on & offsite/residential as agreed with Safety Advisory Group)
- Welfare Plan (including Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy)
26. A final version of the Event Management Plan will be submitted to the Safety Advisory Group.
Agreed EPS Conditions - 05/08/24
27. Amplified sound or live music shall only be played within the external designated fan zone (Boundary Corner) in such a way that noise breakout does not exceed the prevailing ambient noise level by more than 3dB when measured at 1m from the façade of the nearest noise sensitive property;
a. as a 15 minute LAeq, and;
b. at any one third octave band centre frequency as a 15 minute LZeq.
28. Before the use of the external designated fan zone area (Boundary Corner) is commenced, Validation Testing shall have been carried out and the results submitted to and approved by the Environmental Protection Service. Such Validation Testing shall:
a. Be carried out in accordance with an approved method statement.
b. Demonstrate that the specified noise levels stipulated in condition no.1 have been achieved. In the event that the specified noise levels have not been achieved then, a scheme of works capable of achieving the specified noise levels and recommended by an acoustic consultant/ competent person shall be submitted to and approved by the Environmental Protection Service. Such further scheme of works shall be installed as approved in writing by the Environmental Protection Service before the use is commenced and shall thereafter be retained.
29. No amplified sound shall be played within the external designated fan zone area (Boundary Corner) except through an in-house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiting facility capable of limiting the sound level output of the system to a pre-set level which may then be secured in a tamper-resistant manner, the design and settings of which shall have received the prior written approval of the Environmental Protection Service.
30. The Premises Licence Holder shall submit for written approval by the Environmental Protection Service a Noise Management Plan (NMP) for the day-to-day management of the external designated fan zone area (Boundary Corner). The NMP shall provide details of operational procedures to protect the occupiers of neighbouring dwellings from noise emitted from the external area and its dispersion. Such details shall include, but not be limited to, operational procedures, special events, amplified sound, monitoring of customer activities, relevant signage, CCTV consideration, complaints handling procedures, practical policies for noise complaint monitoring, and staff training relating to noise awareness. The development shall thereafter be managed in accordance with the NMP.
31. The number of non-sporting/ match day events held in the external designated fan zone area (Boundary Corner) including live or recorded music entertainment shall not exceed 12 events per calendar year, each of maximum 2 consecutive days duration, and music to finish at 22:00 hours. The maximum permitted number of event days totals 24 days per year.
32. The premises licence holder shall prominently display A5 notices on all exits reminding patrons to leave the premises in a quiet and orderly fashion to respect the local neighbour’s needs.
33. The DPS or designated member of staff must take a proactive approach to noise control, checking inside/ outside the designated fan zone are to ensure that noise is kept to a reasonable level from patrons using the facilities provided, and access and egress.