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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 22:06 on 10 January 2025
255 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8NX
Completed application 1028583 which is a Minor Variation Application for Premises Licence from 19/09/2012 to indefinite
Full Name
Punch Taverns Limited
Full Name
Mr David Cascarino
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr David Cascarino
Permitted Activities
a performance of live music
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. Colour CCTV system as previously agreed with South Yorkshire Police to be maintained and in use at all times the premises are open. CCTV images will be stored for 31 days. Police to be given access to the images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. 2. Children will not be permitted to be on the premises after 23:30. 3. A permanent fixed residual current device (RCD) must protect the electrical power supply serving all amplified music equipment used for the purpose of live music and other entertainment. 4. Persons shall only be allowed to remove drinks from the premises in sealed containers. 5. When door staff are used they will be Security Industry Authority (SIA) approved and operate in accordance with the security industry guidelines. 6. A zero tolerance towards illegal drugs will be enforced at all times. 7. If a disk jockey is used on any night then he / she will ask customers to leave quietly. 8. Free drinking water will be available at all times. 9. Additional patrols will take place by members of staff, internally and externally, to limit any noise pollution when entertainment is being offered within the premises. 10. Signs near the exits of the premises must clearly communicate that guests must respect the needs of local residents, and leave the premises quietly. 11. All persons under the age of 18 to be accompanied by an appropriate adult. 12. A no smoking area will be provided. 13. Anyone who appears to be under the age of 21 shall require appropriate photographic proof of age before being served alcohol. 14. There are to be no irresponsible drinks promotions that encourage immoderate and / or excessive drinking. 15. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children, save for the use of authorised AWP machines and cigarette machines. 16. An appropriate member of staff should be designated to have a lead responsibility for the systems and training relating to safeguarding children and young people. This should include a written risk assesment and staff training records. 17. The Challenge 25 Scheme should operate including the maintainence of refusal logs, signage and staff training records. 18. Children should not be allowed after 21:00 hours unless they are accompanied by a responsible adult and dining in a designated family area, or attending a private pre-booked family type function
Conditions attached following a review of the premises licence by the licensing authority: - Board Hearing held 20th September 2007 - Conditions effective from 13th October 2007. 1. A Personal Licence Holder must be on duty at the premises referred to in this notice at all times when alcohol is on sale at the premises in accordance with the Premises Licence. 2. All door and bar staff must operate the Government Sponsored Challenge 21 scheme and all staff must be trained to operate this system. 3. Signage must be clearly displayed regarding and promoting the Challenge 21 scheme to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority. 4. A Safeguarder must be assigned who will be responsible for risk assessments and the enforcement of an agreed child protection policy and shall at all times comply with the reasonable recommendations of the Sheffield City Council Safeguarding Children Board. 5. The Designated Premises Supervisor for these premises must be a registered member of Sheffield Licence Watch. Annual membership and meeting attendance should be maintained. 6. The Premises Licence Holder shall, on reasonable demands of the Director of Health Protection Service, produce an Institute of Electrical Engineers IEE Electrical Safety Certificate; CORGI certificate; and Portable Appliance Test Certificate to the satisfaction of the Director of Health Protection Service within 14 days of the request. Conditions attached following a variation application: - Board Hearing held 9th October 2008 - Conditions effective from 4th November 2008. 1. No recorded music shall be played within the building except through an in-house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiter, the settings of which shall have received the prior written approval of the Environmental Protection Service. 2. The DPS or designated member of staff will take a proactive approach to noise control, checking outside the premises to ensure that noise is kept to a reasonable level, so as not to cause a nuisance to the nearest noise sensitive properties. 3. The outdoor area to the front of the premises shall cease to be used after midnight on any day of the week. 4. No additional persons shall be allowed to enter the premise after 02:00 hours Friday and Saturday, and an A4 sign stating this shall be erected in a prominent place adjacent to the front and rear entrances. 5. On any night where the premises are to open after 01:00 hours, SIA registered Door staff shall be present from 00:30 hours. Conditions attached following a variation application: - Board Hearing held 29th May 2012. 1. No amplified sound shall be played anywhere on the premises except through an in house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiter, the setting of which shall be to the written satisfaction of the Environmental Protection Service. 2. The bi-folding glazed doors remain closed during the provision of regulated entertainment and after 23:00 hours each day of the week. 3. The outside area to the front of the premises will cease to be used after 23:00 hours each day of the week. 4. No speakers to be positioned in external areas of the premises that relay regulated entertainment