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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 20:09 on 10 January 2025
220-238 West Street, Sheffield, S1 4EU
Completed application 1039570 which is a Minor Variation Application for Premises Licence from 24/11/2005 to indefinite
Full Name
Poppleston Allen
Permitted Activities
an exhibition of a film
an indoor sporting event
a performance of live music
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. The company monitors the need for door supervisors and in so doing takes into account any advice given by the Police. 2. The pub manager is required to actively participate in and support the local Pub Watch Scheme (where active). 3. Text and/or radio pagers, where already used will be used for any additional hours. 4. Toughened glass is currently in use and will continue to be used for any additional hours. 5. In line with our Alcohol and Social Responsibility Policy there will be no promotions that encourage illegal, irresponsible or immoderate consumption. 6. Colour CCTV will be installed in positions agreed with the Police and images stored for 31 days. CCTV system to be maintained and in use at all times the premises are open. Police to be given access to images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. External lighting to be provided in order to enhance CCTV images where necessary. 7. Reasonable steps are taken to recognize the rights of local residents and to encourage customers to leave the premises quietly. 8. The Licence Holder will observe the law and ensure that alcohol is not served to people who are under 18 years of age. The manager and staff are briefed in the importance of their responsibilities in ensuring customers are over 18. 9. No adult entertainment (paid for by the company of a nude physical nature) is permitted at these premises. Any children under 16 remain the responsibility of the accompanying adult when using the premises (and/or exterior area). Staff are not are allowed to be in sole supervision of children which remains the responsibility of the accompanying adult at all times. 10. No amplified sound shall be played within the building except through an in-house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiter, the settings of which shall be set to noise levels so as to be inaudible to the residential flats above the premises. 11. All flyers/advertisements located in the entrance lobby must be removed and this area must be kept clear of such flyers/advertisements in the future. 12. Persons under the age of 18 years of age should vacate the premises at 7:00pm.