Appendix 1
1. The licensed premises (“the Arena”) shall operate only in conjunction with the use of the complex as a centre for sports, entertainments, exhibitions, functions and other events.
2. The sale and supply of intoxicating liquor shall be confined to persons participating in activities at the Arena, spectators to activities in the Arena, visitors to and participants in exhibitions, functions and other organised events being held within the Arena and to persons employed in the Arena.
3. All drinks whether or not with alcoholic content, shall be served in paper or plastic containers, except for drinks served:
a) in the suites.
b) at receptions, dinners, exhibitions and other functions which are not in the nature of a spectator event.
c) in any other designated part of the premises at times when admission to that part of the premises to the general public is restricted.
Converted from the Public Entertainment /Theatre Licence Conditions
(1) The number of members of the public who may be present at anyone time on the premises or in any part of such premises specified below shall not exceed:-
(a) in each of the 32 suites: 12
(b) in the fixed seating: 7792
(c) in the bleacher seating: 1168
(d) in moveable seating on the arena floor: 3500
(e) on standing on the arena floor: 5200
(2) Any moveable seating on the arena floor shall be set out in accordance with plan(s) previously approved by the Council. The maximum capacity stated in 1 above may be varied in accordance with the approved plans by the Council.
2. PERMITTED HOURS (see licence)
(1) The licensee shall not permit drunkenness or any violent, quarrelsome or riotous conduct to take place in the premises.
(2) The licensee shall take all due precautions for the safety of the public, the performers, and the employees on the premises. For the avoidance of doubt such precautions may include the partial or complete evacuation of the premises whether or not on the advice of an authorised Officer of the Council, The South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service or The South Yorkshire Police.
(1) All exits for use by the public in leaving the premises shall be clearly indicated with the word "Exit"; those exits which may only be used in case of fire or other emergency shall bear the words "Fire exit" or "Emergency exit". Such notices shall comply with all relevant British Standard Specifications and, where PRACTICABLE, be placed at a height of at least 6'9" above the floor and, wherever possible, shall be placed over the doors or openings to which they relate.
(2) The doors and openings, other than exits, which lead to parts of the premises accessible to the public shall have notices placed over them indicating the use of such parts or be marked "Private".
(3) Notices bearing the words "No Exit" or "No Way Out" shall not be exhibited.
(4) All passages, courts, ramps and stairways to which the public have access, and which lead to the exterior of the premises shall at all times when the public are on the premises be kept free from obstruction.
(5) Every door in the premises for the use by members of the public going to outside the building shall be so constructed and maintained as:
(a) to open onwards, unless the Council shall have been satisfied that this is impracticable in the circumstances of the particular case;
(b) to open easily and fully in such manner that the door when open does not restrict the eggress of the public; and
(c) to enable it to be immediately opened from the inside while the public are present. Automatic bolts or latches shall be of such a pattern that horizontal pressure on the cross-bars or pads will open the door, cross-bars shall, where practicable, be placed at a height of three feet from the bottom of the door. Doors fitted with automatic bolts or latches having cross-bars shall have the words "PUSH BAR TO OPEN" conspicuously displayed on the door in block letters at least two inches high. The cross-bars or pads shall be finished in a colour contrasting with the colour of the door and in areas where the lighting is not sufficient for the notice to be read at the maximum viewing distance the words "PUSH BAR TO OPEN" and the cross-bars shall be painted in fluorescent paint.
(1) In all parts of the premises to which the public are admitted means of illumination shall be provided capable of illuminating those parts clearly (hereinafter called "the general lighting")
(2) (a) Means of illumination adequate to enable the public to see their way out of the premises shall be kept on at all times when the public are on the premises in the following respects: -
(i) in those parts of the premises to which the public are admitted except those which are lit equally well by daylight; and
(ii) for the illumination of all notices indicating exits for use by the public;
(b) The general lighting provided under Paragraph (1) of this Condition may be used for the purpose of this paragraph.
(3) If at any time there is a failure of the lighting mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of Paragraph (2) of this Condition, the parts of the premises and notices in the said sub-paragraph (a) shall immediately be illuminated by some alternative means of illumination adequate to enable the public to see their way out of the premises (hereinafter called the safety lighting).
(4) Any battery supplying safety lighting shall be fully charged before the public are first admitted to the premises on any day and shall be of such capacity and so maintained as to be capable of supplying at normal voltage the full load of the safety lighting during the whole time that the public are on the premises.
(5) If there is a failure of the general lighting, the public shall, if the general lighting is not restored within one hour, be instructed to leave the premises.
(a) All electric fittings, wiring and appliances shall be constructed and maintained in a safe and satisfactory condition and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council. Any electrical circuit serving a stage or similar part of the premises where the equipment of a performer is connected to the electricity supply for the building shall be protected by earth leakage contact breaker equipment positioned in close proximity to the place where the connection is to be made.
(b) Any temporary extensions or additions to the permanent electrical installations on the premises shall be carried out by a competent electrician, and the wiring of such extensions or additions shall be suitably insulated, and, except where it is necessary that it shall remain flexible, shall be securely fixed in position.
The furniture and equipment in the premises shall be so arranged as to allow free access to the exits and all gangways shall, while the public are on the premises, be kept free from obstructions.
(1) every heating appliance used in the premises which is so situated as to be within reach of any member of the public shall be fitted with guards which comply with the standards of construction and fitting required by the Heating Appliances (Fireguards) Regulations 1953, or regulations replacing those regulations.
(2) Every heating appliance used in the premises shall be situated sufficiently far from "any woodwork, hangings or other materials or substances liable to catch fire for there to be no likelihood of fire by reason of their proximity to the heating appliance.
(3) Every heating appliance situated in a part of the premises to which the public are admitted shall be fixed in position.
(4) No oil-burning or liquified petroleum gas heaters other than those forming part of a boiler installation shall be used in the premises without the written consent of the Council and in accordance with any conditions of such consent.
The licensee shall appoint in writing at least two responsible persons (who are at least 21 years of age) one of whom shall be present at the premises and in charge of the premises at all times when the public are present. The licensee shall ensure that the responsible person(s) are completely familiar with the operation of the premises, safety issues and these licence conditions.
(1) The premises shall be provided with fire appliances suitable to the fire risks in the premises.
(2) The fire appliances shall be maintained in proper working order and be available for instant use. A record of the testing and maintenance of the appliances shall be kept and produced whenever so required by an authorised officer of the Council or the Fire Authority.
(3) All doors which are required by the Council to be resistant to fire or the passage of smoke shall be maintained self-closing and shall not be secured or provided with the means to secure them in an open position. This sub-condition shall not apply to doors which can be secured in the open position by magnetic holders which are controlled by the fire alarm system.
No alteration or addition, to the structure, the lighting, heating or ventilating installations or to the wall or ceiling coverings, (whether permanent or temporary) shall be made except with the prior written consent of the Council, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The licensee shall supply the Council with copies of such plans and specifications as the Council may reasonably require to enable any application for such consent to be considered. This condition shall not apply to minor remedial works or works to parts of the premises to which the public has no access provided that in either case the works are not likely to affect public safety.
Except with the consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed) of the Council in writing and subject to any conditions which may be attached to such consent, cylinders of compressed gas, explosives or highly inflammable substances (including canisters of liquified petroleum gas) shall not be brought into or stored or used on the premises when the public are present.
(1) In the event of the premises being damaged by fire or water and where any fault appears in/or damage is caused to, the ceiling, suspended fittings or structure which materially affects the safety of the premises, the public shall be instructed to leave the premises.
(2) The licensee shall notify the Council of any such fault or damage as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case within seventy two hours of the occurrence thereof, and shall give the Council at least twenty four hours notice of any intention to re-open the premises to the public.
(1) The licensee shall notify the Council in writing at least 7 days in advance of all events at which it is proposed to install temporary television equipment at the premises.
(2) The licensee shall specify full details of the proposed installation; where appropriate such plans, specifications and details as are necessary to enable the Council to assess the safety implications of the proposal shall also be submitted to the Council.
(3) The licensee shall not permit any temporary television installation to in any way obstruct any gangway, door, vomitory or other means of ingress to or egress from the premise.
(4) The licensee shall not permit any cabling to cause an obstruction or trip hazard or other type of safety hazard.
(5) The licensee shall not permit any obstruction of the emergency vehicle access route (referred to in condition 19) by television support vehicles.
Food or beverages which are supplied to the public for consumption on the premises shall only be supplied in paper or light weight plastic containers or wrapping, Where the Council gives notice (which need not be in writing) to the licensee that a particular food or beverage is not to be supplied to the public, the licensee shall comply with the terms of the notice, This Condition shall not apply to the suites or to any public entertainment/public performance of plays at which the members of the public are present at a dinner, reception or other similar event. Any notice issued under this Condition shall be confirmed in writing and may be modified or withdrawn at any time.
(1) The licensee shall notify the Council in writing in general terms of all proposed events at the premises to which this licence applies.
(2) The licensee shall where reasonably practicable give at least 8 weeks notice of a pop concert or other large scale event; and for smaller scale events 4 weeks notice.
(3) Notice referred to in Condition 17(1) above need not contain precise details of the proposed event; it will be sufficient to describe the event in general terms. When firm arrangements have been made for the event, the licensee must supply full details to the Council.
The emergency vehicle access routes shall be clearly marked and kept clear at all times.
All tickets shall contain clear instructions which enable ticket holders to easily find the seats allocated to them.
Wherever possible tickets for large scale events must be sold in advance. If tickets are available on the day of an event the licensee shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that no disorder arises.
The licensee shall install and maintain a satisfactory system of signing to ensure the safe access, egress and movement of the public within the premises. particular attention shall be given to the signing of means of escape and first aid facilities. The licensee shall comply with any requirements made by the Council in relation to signs.
Except with the consent of the Council and subject to any conditions attached to such consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, no special effects shall be used as part of or in connection with a public entertainment. For the purposes of this condition "special effects" shall include the following; smoke (or substance giving the appearance of smoke or visible vapour) and special lighting effect equipment (including lasers).
Except with the consent of the Council in writing, and subject to any conditions which may be attached to such consent, no person shall give at the premises (otherwise than as provided by Section 5 of the Hypnotism Act 1952) any exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism, mesmerism or any similar act or process which produces or is intended to produce in any other person any form of induced sleep or trance in which the susceptibility of the mind of that person to suggestion or direction is increased or is intended to be increased.
No stage or stand for the accommodation of spectators or participants in any public entertainments/public performances of plays shall be used unless it, and any staircase (including any balustrade or handrail where required) are erected in accordance with:
(1) Building Regulations; or
(2) particulars approved by the Council under the provisions of Section 45 of the South Yorkshire Act 1980; or
(3) in any case where the above provisions do not apply and the stage or stand is more than 600mm above the floor upon which it is erected, such particulars as the Council may reasonably require.
24. Should the responsible person referred to in Condition 9 or the licensee discover any defect which could significantly affect the safety of the public on the premises, the premises shall not be used for a public entertainment/public performance of plays until such time as the defect is remedied. The licensee shall give the City Council written notice of the defect within 48 hours of it being detected.
Authorised Officers of the Council will visit the premises on a regular basis and on enforcement duties, they may attend at any time during an event from load in to load out.
Suitable facilities must be kept available at all times for officers to use as a base and view the event/s from.
26. The Licensee shall arrange for the tests and inspections listed in the following table to be carried out and for records to be kept or reports to be supplied to the Council in accordance with the terms of the table. Where reports are required to be supplied to the Council, they shall be supplied as soon as possible on completion of the inspections/tests and in any event within 2 months.
26.1 | Competent person shall test the emergency lighting system to B.S. 5266 Part 1 1988. | | In accordance with B.S. 5266 Part 1 1988 | | YES | | NO |
26.2 | A competent person shall test the fire alarm system to B.S. 5839 Part 1 1988. | | In accordance with B.S. 5839 Part 1 1988 | | YES | | NO |
26.4 | A competent person shall test the sprinkler system to BS5306 Part 2 1990. | | In accordance with BS5306 Part 2 1990 | | YES | | NO |
26.5 | A competent person shall test the smoke control system. | | As for the fire alarm system (27.2 above) | | YES | | NO |
26.6 | A competent person shall test any magnetic holders on the fire doors. | | As for the fire alarm system (27.2 above) | | YES | | NO |
26.7 | A competent person shall test the ventilators, activated by the fire alarm above the vomitory doors. | | In accordance with the time intervals in BS5839 Part 1 1988 | | YES | | NO |
26.8 | A competent person shall arrange and execute staff emergency procedure drills (to be carried out in the absence of the public). | | Once every 6 months | | YES | | NO |
26.9 | The Licensee or a responsible person (as defined in Condition 10) shall inspect the whole of the premises including the means of escape. | | Both before and after every public performance. | | YES | | NO |
26.10 | The Licensee or the responsible person (as defined in Condition 10) shall test all exit doors, panic bars/ bolts/door release devices and shall ensure that any chains and locks on exit doors are removed. | | Immediately before the public are admitted to the premises. | | YES | | NO |
26.11 | The Licensee shall keep a record of any fire which occurs on the premises. | | - | | YES | | YES |
26.12 | The Licensee shall keep a written record indicating who is in charge of the premises (in accordance with Condition 10) during each public performance. | | - | | YES | | NO |
26.13 | A competent person shall inspect and test the electrical installation in the premises. | | At least every 12 months | | NO | | YES |
26.14 | A competent person shall inspect the ceilings of the parts of the premises to which the public are to be admitted. | | At least every 5 years | | NO | | YES |
26.15 | A competent person shall inspect the structure of the building. | | At least every 5 years, starting in 2001 | | NO | | YES |
where written records are required to be kept under the terms of this licence, they shall be immediately available for inspection by any Fire Officer or authorised Officer of the Council or Police Constable.
All members of staff shall be adequately trained and instructed in the safety precautions to be observed in the premises and their duties in the event of fire or other emergency.
The number of stewards on duty at the premises during an event of a type described in the heading to this condition shall not be less than 1 steward to each 100 persons (or fraction of that number) present at the entertainment.
The number of stewards on duty at the premises during an event of a type other than that to which condition 29 applies shall not be less than 1 steward to each 250 persons (or fraction of that number) present at the entertainment.
31. Where in the circumstances of a particular case the Council is of the opinion that for reasons of public safety it is desirable to increase the numbers of stewards required under condition 29 or 30 it may by notice require consultation by the licensee and the licensee shall comply with the notice for consultation.
The licensee shall provide and maintain suitable and sufficient first aid facilities (which term includes suitably qualified first aid attendants) at the premises. The Council may from time to time specify what facilities are to be provided and the licensee shall comply with any such specification.
The licensee shall provide such information, specifications, calculations, certificates and reports as the Council may from time to time reasonably require in order to determine safety issues.