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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 09:27 on 13 January 2025
Extra Time
60 Brown Street, Sheffield, S1 2BS
Completed application 1039611 which is a Change of Name/Address of Holder/DPS for Premises Licence from 05/12/2013 to indefinite
Full Name
Sonfield Development Ltd
Full Name
Mr Peter Mercer
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Peter Mercer
Permitted Activities
a performance of a play
an exhibition of a film
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. CCTV installed and maintained according to current standards. 2. Door Supervisors should be SIA registered. 3. A customer code shall be prominently displayed and clearly visible throughout the premises advising patrons of the rules in relation to strip tease. 4. A price list should be displayed in a prominent and clearly visible throughout the premises advising patrons of the rules in relation to striptease. 5. Water and non-alcoholic beverages are available. 6. Notices to leave the premises quietly will be displayed at the premises. 7. Except as with the consent of the council, no external advertising of the striptease / lap dancing shall take place at the premises or in its immediate vicinity (within 440 yards of the premises). 8. No dancer may perform at the premises until such time as photographic proof of identity showing date of birth is provided, confirming that the dancer is over the 18 years. 9. Whilst strip tease is taking place, no person under the age of 18 shall be permitted on the premises. A notice shall be clearly displayed at the entrance to the premises stating that no person under 18 will be admitted so it can be easily read by persons entering the premises. Any embedded permissions and restrictions attached to the justices on/off licence including those specified at Appendix 1. 1. Any personal licence holders at the premises to be a member of the Pub Watch Scheme. 2. Colour CCTV will be installed in positions agreed with the Police and tapes or other forms of record stored for such period of time as the Police may specify. Specific conditions converted from the Public Entertainment Licence 1. Capacity 1) The number of members of the public who may be present at any one time on the premises or in any part of such premises specified below shall not exceed: - Area Capacity The whole of the premises 450 (2) Where the Council is of the opinion that in order to avoid or reduce any disturbance of or annoyance to residents in the neighbourhood of the premises or the occurrence of disorderly conduct in the premises, it is desirable for the permitted hours specified in Part 1 of the Premises Licence to be varied, the Council may, after affording the licensee the opportunity of making representations to the Council, by notice served on the licensee vary the permitted hours and thereafter the hours specified in the notice shall apply in substitution for the hours specified in Part 1 of the Premises Licence. 2A. Security Staff The licensee shall maintain at the premises a register containing the following details of all persons present on the premises during Public Entertainments whose duties wholly or mainly consist of the direction or control of the members of the public. The details of each person shall be entered prior to that person commencing such duties and shall not be deleted from the register for a period of twelve months from the last date upon which that person carried out such duties. The details of each person required to be kept are: full name and address, date of birth, photograph, physical description and description of duties at the premises. The licensee shall also keep a record showing which registered person (s) are working at the premises on each occasion the premises are open for the purpose of Public Entertainment. This record is to be kept at the premises for a period of not less than twelve months. The register and record shall be open for inspection at any time by any Police Officer or Authorised Officer of the Council. 2B. Security Staff Registration Scheme The Licensee shall only permit staff registered by he Council (under its Security Staff Registration Scheme) or licensed by the Security Industry Authority to be engaged in duties which wholly or mainly consist of: (a) deciding on the suitability of persons to be allowed on the premises and/or (b) maintaining order on the premises. 1. The Licensee must take a proactive approach to noise control to ensure that noise is kept to a reasonable level so as not to cause a nuisance at the nearest noise sensitive building. 2. The power amplifier must have an electronic noise limited device fitted and set to a maximum of 94 dB at the nearest bar. Striptease / Pole / Lap Dancing Conditions: 1. The striptease/entertainment (lap dancing) shall be given only by the performers /entertainers and the audience must remain fully clothed. 2. The performance must not be visible from the street. 3. Except with the consent of the council no external advertising of the striptease/ lapdancing shall take place at the premises or in its immediate vicinity (within 440 yards of the premises). 4. When the premises are open for striptease/lap dancing no person under the age of 18 shall be allowed on the premises. 5. Customers must be informed prior to lap dancing commencing of the following rules:- a. No touching must take place during dances. b. Customers must remain seated during dancing. c. Customers must leave the area as soon as the dances allotted to that customer have finished. 6. Lap dancers must not:- a. Sit on customers laps during performances. 7. On completion of the dance or dances, dancers must:- a. Ask the customer to leave the area immediately. b. Dress themselves immediately. c. Dancers must not leave the dance area in a state of undress and must dress in accordance with club regulations. 8. Podium (Pole) dancers must not::- a. Entice customers onto the podium. b. Remove their lower undergarments. (Dancers may dance topless) a. Interfere with their undergarments in such a way as to show their genitals. b. Receive gratuities other than in their garter belts or by hand. 9. Sex toys must not be used and penetration of the genital area by any means must not take place. 10. Dancers must not solicit, exchange addresses or telephone numbers with customers or liase with customers off the premises. 11. When dancers leave the premises they must be escorted to their cars or taxi by a another staff member. 12. The following minimum number of registered security staff will be located at the front entrance:- One person Sunday to Thursday; Two persons Friday and Saturday. In addition there will be one registered security staff located within the premises for the first 50 customers and then one registered security staff per additional 100 customers thereafter whenever the premises are open. Notwithstanding the above, no floor at the premises will be open to the public unless there is a minimum of one registered security staff on that floor. 13. These conditions are imposed in addition to the standard Public Entertainment Licence Conditions with which the Licencee must comply.