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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 14:38 on 13 January 2025
Ice Sheffield
Coleridge Road, Attercliffe, Sheffield, S9 5DA
Completed application 1030717 which is a Variation Application for Premises Licence from 02/11/2013 to indefinite
Full Name
Sheffield International Venues Ltd
Full Name
Mr Christopher Martin Dickens
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Christopher Martin Dickens
Permitted Activities
a performance of a play
an exhibition of a film
an indoor sporting event
a boxing or wrestling entertainment
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. Persons under the age of 18 years of age are to be excluded from the premises where the entertainment is of an adult nature. 2. There should be no alcohol taken into the corridor between the function room and the bar (the corridor adjoining the spectator area of the public rink) other by those attending the function room. 3. Alcohol for consumption in spectator areas (excluding the Rink) during sporting events shall be in non-glass vessels unless attending an event involving premium dining. 4. Intoxicating liquor shall be supplied in plastic / shatterproof glasses only, in the performance rink, unless being supplied to those attending an event involving premium dining. 5. The number of members of the public who may be present at any one time on the premises or in any part of such premises specified below shall not exceed:- Public Rink (recreation rink) 128 Spectator seated gallery Recreational Rink 1000 (excluding the spectator gallery) Performance Rink 1500 Bar 200 Glacier Suite (function suite) 100 6. Colour CCTV will be installed in positions agreed with the Police and tapes stored for such period of time as the Police may specify. Conditions to apply to the Sports Personality of The Year Event 13/12/2009 1. All Licensable activities permitted under the terms of the Licence for the hours stated be extended to the recreational rink for the event on the 13th December through to the morning of 14th December only. Conditions to apply to the Sports Personality of The Year Event on 13th December 2009 and those attending this event only. (this excludes the general public using the premises). 2. The capacity on the recreational rink to be 1500 persons for this event. 3. For the period of this event only, intoxicating liquor may be supplied in glass containers in the performance rink and / or recreational rink.