1. The designated premises supervisor or other such qualified and responsible person must be assigned to act as the Children’s Safeguarding Coordinator at the premises. This person should act in accordance with the guidance and training provided by the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board.
2. A CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times whilst the premises are open (in line with specification July 2016). The CCTV images will be stored for 30 days and police and authorised officers of the council will be given access to images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. Members of the management team will be trained in the use of the system.
3. No regulated entertainment shall take place until agreed works to the fabric of the building have been installed and there after retained to the satisfaction of the Environmental Protection Service (EPS).
4. No amplified sound shall be played except through an in-house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiter. The settings of which shall have received the prior written approval of the EPS:
5. Amplified sound or live music shall only be played within the building and in such a way that noise breakout does not exceed the prevailing ambient noise level by more than 3dB when measured at 1m from the façade of the nearest noise sensitive building:
a) as a 15 minute LAeq, and;
b) at any one third octave band centre frequency as a 15 minute LZeq
6. No Speakers shall be mounted outside the premises at any time.
7. Regulated entertainment shall cease 30 minutes before closing time.
8. Live music shall cease at 23.30 Sun - Thursday and 00:30 Friday and Saturday.
9. All doors and windows shall be closed, save for access and egress, when regulated entertainment is present in the premises.
10. The DPS or designated member of staff must take a proactive approach to noise control, checking outside the premises to ensure that noise is kept to a reasonable level from patrons using the external area and manage noise levels internally so as not to cause a nuisance to the nearest noise sensitive property.
11. The premises license holder shall prominently display A4 notices on all exits reminding patrons to leave the premises in a quiet and orderly fashion to respect the local neighbours’ needs.
12. All ventilation outlets, which serve the licensed area, are to be acoustically baffled and there after retained.
13. The emptying of waste bottle bins shall not be carried out between the hours of 2300 to 0730 hours Monday to Saturday and 2200 hours to 1000 hours Sundays and Public Holidays.
14. Commercial deliveries shall be carried out only between the hours of 0700 to 2300 on Mondays to Saturdays and between the hours of 1000 to 2200 on Sundays and Public Holidays.
15. From 23:30 hours there will be a restriction of noise breakout from the premises a minimum seven meters from the rear facade of the property.
16. Noise readings will be taken periodically once appropriate levels have been agreed with Environmental Protection Service (EPS). Between the hours of 22:30 and 02:30 noise meter readings will be taken every hour and recorded.
17. There will be soundproofing measures put in place to reduce noise pollution within the area.
18. Residents nearest to the property will be given a 'hotline contact number' in order for any breakout noise to be dealt with immediately.
19. Customers will not be admitted to the premises 45 minutes before closing.
20. There will be a clear and legible notice displayed outside the premises indicating the normal hours under the terms of the premises licence during which licensable activities are permitted.
21. Customers drunk or intoxicated will not be allowed into the premises and no selling of alcohol to drunk or intoxicated customers. There will be a zero tolerance policy which will be displayed and enforced.
22. Take responsible management of group admissions such as hen and stag groups to ensure the safety of other customers.
23. A comprehensive 'Excluded' and or 'Dispersal' Policy to be in place.
24. Custom will not be sought by means of personal solicitation outside or in the vicinity of the premises.
25. Prevention and vigilance in illegal drug use at the retail unit area. Zero tolerance on drugs which will be displayed and enforced.
26. Staff will be well trained in managing potential challenging customers to ensure the premises is used in an orderly and respectful manner and prevent binge drinking.
27. The restaurant will not serve alcohol in bottles or cans but in glasses. Measures will be in place to prevent customers leaving the premises with drinking glasses. Customers will not be allowed to take alcohol off the premises or bring their own alcohol on the premises.
28. During live events, there will be SIA trained staff on the premises to prevent crime and disorder within the premises.
29. As well as management responsibilities all staff will receive initial and regular comprehensive training in;
Public safety in relation to adherence to environmental health requirements
Implementation of underage ID checks
Food Safety legislation
Level 2 Food Hygiene
Evacuation Procedures
Carrying out Risk Assessments
Adhering to occupancy limit requirement
Health & Safety procedures
30. The requirement to employ door staff will be assessed as the business develops and as part of the on-going risk assessment of the business.
31. There will be a register kept on the premises of door supervisors used. The register will be fully completed and signed by the door supervisor and person in charge of the premises prior to any door supervisor commencing any duty and upon completion of any duty. The register will contain the full name and SIA badge number of any door supervisor used at the premises.
32. A log book or recording system shall be kept on the premises in which shall be entered particulars of inspections made; those required to be made by statute, and information compiled to comply with any public safety condition attached to the premises licence that requires the recording of such information. The log book shall be kept available for inspection when required by persons authorised by the Licensing Act 2003 or associated legislation.
33. The recorded risk assessment shall be periodically reviewed and updated.
34. Escape routes and exits, including external exits, shall be maintained to ensure that they are not obstructed, in good order with non-slippery and even surfaces, free of trip hazards and clearly identified.
35. Regular maintenance and checks of the premises to be undertaken. All parts of the premises and all fixtures and fittings and apparatus therein will be maintained at all times in good working order. Checks recorded which highlight any public safety concerns are to be dealt with immediately.
36. Adequate waste receptacles for smokers to be provided.
37. The 'Challenge 25' scheme will be implemented, enforced and the appropriate signage displayed. All staff will be trained in the requirements of the scheme and evidence of staff training will be recorded.
38. A log book will be kept on the premises at all times and an information manual for staff.
39. Measures will be put into place to prevent adults buying alcohol for underage customers, proxy sales. Any adult seen buying alcohol for someone underage will be challenged and reported.
40. If there are mixed groups of young people together e.g. 16-21 years the purchase of alcohol will not be permitted in order to prevent underage members of the group being given alcohol. Mixed groups of young people must be dining, remain in the dining area and will not be permitted to stand at the bar. Alcohol will not be served at the table of mixed groups of young people.
41. Anyone under the age of 18 years will not be permitted to enter the premises after 19:00 hours. Anyone under 18 already on the premises must leave by 20:00 hours during the week and 20.30 hours at weekends.
42. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult and can only access the dining seated area.
43. For private function bookings anyone under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult and leave the premises by 20:30 hours. Private functions can only be booked by an adult who must agree they have a duty to support staff in monitoring young people at their function.
44. The overall capacity for the premises will be 200.
45. The restaurant area to the left of the bar will have tables and chairs at all times.