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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 01:56 on 18 January 2025
6 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2QQ
Completed application 1042841 which is a Change of Supervisor (DPS) for Premises Licence from 18/09/2014 to indefinite
Full Name
Mr Richard Ockenden
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Richard Ockenden
Permitted Activities
a performance of a play
an exhibition of a film
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. A Colour CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times when the premises are open. CCTV images will be stored for 28 days. Police will be given access to, and copies of images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. 2. The existing CCTV system will be extended to cover the two external areas. 3. Each entrance to the premises will be monitored by at least 1 member of door staff from 9pm on any day the premises remains open after 1am. 4. The external drinking area on the ground floor shall not be used after midnight on any night. 5. A designated member of staff will monitor any outside drinking area at all times. 6. In order to determine the extent of the licensable area, the new outside drinking area should be clearly and unambiguously defined at all times. 7. Persons will not be permitted to enter the premises after 1am on any night. 8. Except in the shop area and for specific pre-booked events, no persons under the age of 18 should be allowed on the premises at any time after 8pm on any day when alcohol is on sale. 9. Persons shall only be allowed to remove drinks from the premises in sealed containers. 10. The part of the premises subject to the alteration is not to be traded, until it has been inspected by all authorities, and is found to be satisfactory. 11. The Designated Premises Supervisor for these premises must be a registered member of Sheffield Licence Watch. Annual membership and meeting attendance should be maintained. 12. If any changes are made to the building which would impact on either means of escape, fire load or any assumptions detailed within the ARUP Sheffield Hallam University Student Union HUB Building Report dated July 2006 (120154) ("The ARUP Report") as lodged with South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service then appropriate approval for such changes are to be obtained from South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service. 13. On the first floor of the premises when in Operational Modes A, B, C and D as set out in Condition 15 the number of attendants on duty on the premises to assist persons entering or leaving should be not less than 1 for every 250 and if the number of persons present on the floor exceeds 100 there should be at least 2 additional attendants on duty on that floor. 14. The ARUP Report should form an integral part of the HUBS premises fire risk assessment. 15. The occupancy limits for the first floor of the premises shall be as follows based on the Modes of Operation as set out at page 13 and shown in figures 8 to 11 on pages 15 and 16 of the ARUP Report: 15.1 Operational Mode A Pods A, B, C and P - 1,147 persons. 15.2 Operational Mode B Central atrium area plus Pods C and P - 765 persons. 15.3 Operational Mode C Central atrium area and Pod P - 416 persons. 15.4 Operational Mode D Central atrium area and Pods C, B and P - 1146 persons 16. The variation shall not become effective until the structural alterations have been inspected and passed by the police, environmental health and other responsible authorities. 17. The premises shall be operated in accordance with the operating plan dated 16 August 2006 as supplied to the Fire Service and Environmental Health Department subject to any amendments agreed in writing by them from time to time. 18. Noise or vibration shall not emanate from the premises, so as to cause nuisance to nearby premises after 23:00 hours. 19. No amplified sound or live music shall be played nor shall loudspeakers be placed at any time outside the building. 20. All external areas are to cease at midnight, seven days a week. 21. The external drinking area on the first floor shall not be used after midnight on any night, except as follows:- a. The area may be used by not more than 20 persons at any one time. b. No licensable activities or consumption of alcohol will take place. c. A member of staff will be designated to ensure that this condition is complied with. 22. The licensee shall prominently display large notices on all exits reminding patrons to leave the premises in an quite and orderly fashion to respect the local neighbour needs. 23. No regulated entertainment shall take place in the external areas. 24. The external areas shall be operated and controlled so as not to cause nuisance to residents or interested parties. 25. None of the conditions 1-24 in Annex 2 of the premises licence will apply to licensable activities held in the external events area but conditions 26-29 of Annex 2 will apply. 26. The external events area shall be used on no more than twelve occasions in any one calendar year and shall only be used if the following conditions 27-29 are met:- 27. At least 14 days prior notice has been given to South Yorkshire Police, South Yorkshire Fire Service, Sheffield City Council City Centre Management and Environmental Protection. The event shall only take place subject to complying with any reasonable requirements of those authorities. 28. No regulated entertainment shall take place in the external events area between 23:00 and 09:00, except for the provision of silent discos where no music is audible outside area. 29. Where alcohol is on sale at an event in the external events area, the licensee will operate a proof of age scheme and Think 21 policy.