1. The premises will operate a ‘Challenge 25’ Policy.
2. Acceptable identification for the purposes if age verification include a driving licence, passport or photographic identification bearing the “PASS” logo and the person’s date of birth, military identification or other internationally recognised photographic ID documents.
3. Challenge 25 poster shall be clearly displayed in a prominent position at the entry to the premises.
4. Customers will not be permitted to enter or leave the premises carrying open bottles or drinking vessels other than coming to and from areas within the control of the licence holder.
5. A CCTV system shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the South Yorkshire Police, which shall include cameras recording footage of evidential quality covering main public access, including all entrance and exit doors. Footage shall be retained from all cameras for a minimum of 31 days. At least one trained member of staff will be available at all times the premises is open for licensable activities to operate the CCTV system. Footage shall be made available to for viewing by police upon request and recordings of footage will be provided, in a form agreed with South Yorkshire Police.
6. Notices stating that CCTV is in operation 24 hours a day will be displayed in the venue.
7. The Manager, DPS or other representative will attend and participate in Pub/Town watch where such a scheme is in existence.
8. All door supervisors exercising security activities will wear identifiable clothing and be licensed by the Security Industry Authority. Door Supervisors exercising their security functions outside the premises will wear a high visibility vest, jacket or identification arm-band.
9. An incident book shall be kept at the premises and maintained on site at all times. It shall be made available on request to an authorised officer of the local authority or a member of Police Staff.
10. The incident book will record the following:
All crimes reported to the venue
All ejections of patrons
All complaint received in relation to crime or licensing matters
Any incidents of disorder
The seizure of drugs and offensive weapons
Any faults on the CCTV system and steps taken to rectify the fault
Any visits by a relevant authority or emergency service
11. A permanent fixed residual current device (RCD) must protect the electrical power serving all amplified music equipment used for the purposes of live music or similar entertainment.
12. There shall be no transportation of hot food using the main public staircase between the ground floor and first floor.
13. The DPS or a designated member of staff must take a pro-active approach to noise control, regularly checking outside the premises to ensure that noise breakout of internal noise and noise from patrons using the external areas is manages so as not to cause a nuisance to occupiers of nearby residential properties.
14. Clear signage shall be erected and maintained in each section of the external areas advising customers to use the facilities in a quiet and orderly fashion and to respect the local neighbour’s needs.
15. No speakers shall be operated in any external area of the premises unless the maximum operational noise level has been set and agreed in advance with Sheffield City Council’s Environmental Protection Service. No external speakers shall be used after 22:00 hours on any day.
16. All doors forming part of any acoustic lobby shall be kept closed save for access and egress (or in case of emergency), and shall not be propped open at any time.
17. Use of lower rear terrace shall be managed such that access is restricted from 23:30 hours and the area closed to all customers, cleared and vacated by 00:00 hours midnight on all days.
18. No amplified sound shall be played except through an in-house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiting facility of limiting the sound level of the system to a pre-set level which may then be secured in a tamperproof manner.
19. All external doors and windows will be closed from 23:00 hours on any day except for the purposes of access, egress or in the event of an emergency.
20. All ventilation outlets which serve the licensed area are to be acoustically baffled and thereafter retained.
21. Notices will be displayed in prominent positions at the exit of the premises requesting customers to leave quietly.
22. Unaccompanied persons under the age of 18 shall not be allowed entry to the premises except for events specifically organised for the under 18s market.
23. When holding events solely aimed at the youth market (under 18s):
No alcohol is to be visible, sold or made available on the premises
Teen events will be non-smoking events
Cigarettes will not be permitted into, or sold during the event.
No adult entertainment will be provided at any time a person under 18 is on the premises
AWP machines will be covered, unplugged and prevented from being used.
Any youth found to have consumed any alcoholic beverage prior to entry will be given care and assistance with contacting family and arranging transportation, but will be refused entry to the event.
Any youth found to have consumed alcohol preceding the event, after being permitted entry, will be given care and assistance with contacting family and arranging transportation, but will be required to leave with appropriate care and support.