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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 03:23 on 7 March 2025
Club Cube
25-33 Charter Square, Sheffield, S1 4HS
Completed application 1026399 which is a Transfer Application for Premises Licence from 17/02/2012 to indefinite
Full Name
Miss Kelly Andrea Francis
Full Name
Miss Kelly Andrea Francis
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Miss Kelly Andrea Francis
Permitted Activities
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. Persons under the age of 18 are prohibited at all times and signage must be displayed prominently to specify this. 3. The Challenge 25 scheme must operate and signage must be prominently displayed to specify this. 4. Staff training must include the operation of the Challenge 25 scheme, how to maintain refusals records, how to report and respond to incidents, how to manage confrontation, and a knowledge of the licence conditions and the policies operating at the premises. Staff training records, including refresher training, must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority and made available to officers of the responsible authorities and the Licensing Authority on request. 5. All persons who have left the premises for whatever reason and who seek re-entry must go through all the security and admission procedures applicable to new customers. 6. Persons using VIP passes and guests of the club must go through all the security and admission procedures applicable to new customers. 7. A minimum of one designated member of security staff must be assigned to verify the age of all persons accessing the premises. 8. All employees, volunteers or entertainers must be aged 18 years or over. A record of each employee's name, address, national insurance number, photograph and date of birth will be retained and these details must be checked and verified by the premises manager or premises licence holder, against other recognised forms of identity (passport; photo-driving licence). These records must be retained at the premises for a minimum of 12 months from the date of employment and made available to officers of Responsible Authorities on request. 9.A colour CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times when the premises are open. CCTV images will be stored for 28 days. Police will be given access to the copies of images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. 10.The holder of the 'Personal Licence' will be on duty within the premises at ALL times the premises are open for the sale and supply of alcohol. 11. There shall be on duty from 20:00 hours until close at least 2 members of SIA registered doorstaff Sunday to Thursday and 4 members of SIA registered doorstaff Friday and Saturday. 12. To acquire a suitable number of radio set(s) for the premises and take the CCRAC Radio Scheme into use at all times when trading and continue to be a user whilst this system/facility is in use in Sheffield. 13. The Designated Premises Supervisor for these premises must be a registered member of Sheffield Licence Watch. Annual membership and meeting attendance should be maintained. 14. The premises shall have in force and operate at all times the premises are open to the public a policy to prevent unlawful drugs, weapons and articles that maybe used as a weapon from being brought into the premises. This shall include as a minimum the use of a metal detecting device and shall apply to all persons entering or re-entering the premises. The policy shall be recorded in writing and all staff involved in the implementation shall be made aware of the policy. 15. A designated member of staff will be dedicated to checking entry into the premises for age. 16. Persons shall not be allowed to remove drinks from the premises. 17. There shall be no admission to the premises to any person who was not already in a queue directly outside the premises at 02:30 hours. There shall be in place and operated a system for ensuring that the queue is monitored by CCTV and a SIA registered door supervisor and that no person who was not in the queue at 02:30 hours gains entry. 18. Polycarbonate drinking vessels (including bottles) shall be exclusively used from 20:00 hours until close every day. 19. All persons who have left the premises for whatever reason and who seek re-entry shall be required to go through all the security and admission procedures including age verifaction that is applicable to new customers. 20. The premises shall have in force and operate at all times the premises are open to the public a policy agreed with South Yorkshire Police to prevent unlawful drugs being brought onto the or used in the premises. The policy shall include measures on the searching of persons in private, procedures for the searching of males and females (including who can undertake them) and all the staff involved in its implementation shall be trained on the policy. Records of the training shall be retained on the staff records and made available to the police and the Licensing Authority on the request. 21. At all times the premises is open to customers for licensable activities there will be at least one member of door supervisory staff wearing and operating a Home Office approved head camera that shall digitally record images. All images to be retained for 28 days and the police and authorised officers of the Council will be given access for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. 22. DJs, persons using VIP passes and guests of the club must go through all security and admission procedures including age verification that is applicable to new customers