1. In reference to CCTV condition agreed with SYP. All images downloaded from the CCTV system must be provided in a format that can be viewed on readily available equipment without the need for specialist software.
2. A Challenge 25 scheme must operate at the premises. Any person who appears to be under 25 years of age must not be sold/supplied alcohol unless they produce an acceptable form of identification (passport, photo driving licence, Military Identity card or PASS accredited card).
3. Challenge 25 notices must be displayed in prominent positions throughout the premises.
4. A bound and sequentially paginated refusals book must be kept at the premises to record all instances where admission or service is refused.
Details to show:
• The basis of the refusal;
• The person making the decision to refuse; and
• The date and time of the refusal
Such books/records to be retained at the premises for at least 12 months, and must be made available for inspection and copying by the Police, or other officers of a Responsible Authority, immediately upon request.
5. A bound and sequentially paginated incident/accident book must be kept to record all instances of disorder, damage to property and personal injury at the premises. Such records are to be made available for inspection and copying by the Police and other officers of Responsible Authorities immediately upon request, and all such records to be retained at the premises for at least 12 months.
6. Door supervisors must be employed at the premises on occasions as deemed necessary by the Designated Premises Supervisor and/or premises management following a risk assessment and on occasions when requested by, and following consultation with the Police.
7. The Designated Premises Supervisor must ensure that any security industry authority door supervisors employed at the premises wear, and clearly display, their security industry authority registration badge at all times whilst on duty.
8. A bound and sequentially paginated book must be maintained at the premises containing the names, home addresses, dates of birth, contact telephone number, Security Industry Authority registration number of door supervisors employed on any particular day. These records must be kept at the premises for at least 12 months and must be made available for inspection and copying by the Police and other officers of Responsible Authorities immediately upon request.
9. Clear notices must be prominently displayed requesting customers to leave the premises and the area in a quiet and orderly manner.
10. The premises licence holder must ensure that customers awaiting entry to the premises, or leaving the premises, do not cause annoyance or nuisance to any other persons in the vicinity to the premises. When employed door supervisors must ensure that members of the public can pass freely by and gain access to other premises as necessary.
11. No persons carrying open, or sealed, vessels containing alcohol must be admitted to the premises at any time.
12. No persons must be permitted to remove open vessels containing alcohol from the premises.
13. Plastic containers shall be used at the premises, unless authorised by way of bespoke event risk assessment.
14. Persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a person over the age of 18 when alcohol is being served
15. Training records must be kept to record staff training and advice including the following areas:
• preventing underage sales of alcohol
• preventing proxy sales of alcohol to underage persons
• preventing sales of alcohol to a person who is drunk
These records must be made available for inspection and copying by the Police and other officers of Responsible Authorities immediately on request and all such records to be retained at the premises for at least 12 months.
16. No nuisance shall be caused by noise coming from the premises or by vibration transmitted through the structure of the premises.
17. All exit routes shall be kept unobstructed, with non-slippery and even surfaces, free of trip hazards and clearly identified.
18. All external doors and windows shall be kept closed when regulated entertainment is being provided except in the event of an emergency.
19. A proactive approach to promoting good behaviour inside the venue by challenging any untoward behaviour and dealing with antisocial individuals quickly and effectively by ejecting them if necessary shall be in force.
20. Links with local taxi firms to promote pre-booking of taxis before the end of events an shall be in force and also inform the companies
21. There shall be regular risk assessments are carried out on an event by event basis, with staff briefings held to communicate any changes.
22. Door staff and event staff have a responsibility to keep people safe while they are at the venue and as such, teams shall be in constant communication to monitor crowd levels and movement throughout the venue to ensure that a safe number of customers are in the venue at one time. Door staff shall have clickers to monitor the number of people inside the venue so that safe numbers of patrons can be moved around the space.
23. There shall be lobbied entrances and exits to stagger the flow of people in and out of the venue.
24. There shall be a designated smoking area outside the venue that is well ventilated. Smoking shall be prohibited inside the venue and the ventilation system will ensure clear airflow throughout the space.
25. For most events the bar shall not serve any glass, apart from bespoke events with an approved risk assessment (private events, receptions etc). To be clear, the standard policy will be to serve drinks in reusable plastic cups.
26. There shall be a proactive approach to noise management. Duty managers will take noise readings throughout the evening at designated spots to monitor the levels of noise breakout from the venue space to the surrounding areas. Duty managers shall be responsible for ensuring that DJs, promoters and performers adhere to the noise levels within the venue.
27. Event staff shall be briefed to ensure that key areas of noise breakout, such as doors, are routinely observed and managed throughout the event to keep them closed.
28. Customers shall be reminded to keep quiet while leaving the venue.
29. Local taxi firms shall be informed of event running times so taxis are available immediately to patrons to avoid crowds gathering outside the venue after it shuts.
30. There shall be implementation of a clear 'Challenge 25' policy from door staff to all event and bar staff to ensure no underage people either a) attend over 18 events or b) are served alcohol at 14+ events. Children will not be allowed in licensed events unless for specific events.
Agreed conditions with Police Licensing - 06/09/2021
31. There shall be a zero tolerance policy in relation to drugs at the premises and there shall be regular checks by management to prevent the use of drugs by patrons. Drugs seized shall be stored securely and handed to the Police. Zero tolerance policy to be included within the staff training programme.
32. A CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times whilst the premises are open (in line with specification July 2019). The CCTV images will be stored for 30 days and police and authorised officers of the council will be given access to images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder, in line with GDPR guidance. Members of the management team will be trained in the use of the system.
33. The Premise Licence Holder will have a search policy for customers. All customers will be subject to the standard search policy at entrance, including relevant bag searches. Enhanced searching will be periodically used in accordance with a dynamic risk assessment.
34. To acquire a suitable number of radio sets for the premises and to take the CCRAC Radio Scheme (City Centre Retails Against Crime) into use at all times when trading, and continue to be a user whilst this system is in use within Sheffield.
35. The premise will operate a half an hour ‘drinking up’ period.
36. The Designated Premises Supervisor or other such responsible member of staff must be assigned to act as the co-ordinator for ensuring that risk management systems are operating and staff are trained in relation to safeguarding children at all times. This person must act in compliance with the training and guidance provided by the Sheffield Children’s Safeguarding Partnership and other relevant responsible authorities.
37. A booking form must be used for all events and private functions. The form must set out the booking conditions for the customer and include the signature and printed name of the venue manager authorising the booking. The form must also include the name, contact details and signature of the customer who is responsible for making the booking. Such records will be retained for 6 months and made available for inspection of the authorities.
38. Persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted to make bookings. Age/identity checks will be undertaken at the time of booking and a written record of these will be made.
39. All events/private functions involving children and young people will be risk assessed by the Safeguarding Coordinator and a written risk management plan produced. A record of the risk management plan must be retained and made available for inspection by the authorities on request.
40. Unless agreed in writing with the Police a minimum of 14 days in advance, children under the age of 16 must not be permitted on the premises after 21.00 hours.
Agreed Conditions with Environmental Protection - 02/09/2021
41. All doors and windows shall be closed, save for access and egress of the general public and/ or than in case of emergency, when amplified sound or live music is present in the premises.
42. Amplified sound or live music should only be played within the building such that:
(i) Noise breakout from the building to the street should not exceed the ambient* noise levels by more than 3 dB(A) when measured as a 15 minute LAeq;
(ii) Noise breakout from the building to the street should not exceed the ambient* noise levels in any octave band centre frequency by more than 3dB when measured as a 15 minute LZeq;
*Where ambient noise level is the LAeq, 15 mins in the absence of the specific noise source (breakout from the premises).
43. No speakers shall be fixed externally nor directed to broadcast sound outside the building at any time.
44. No amplified sound shall be played within the building except through an in-house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiting facility capable of limiting the sound level output of the system to a pre-set level which may then be secured in a tamper-resistant manner, the design and settings of which shall have received the prior written approval of the Environmental Protection Service.
45. The premises licence holder shall prominently display A5 notices on all exits reminding patrons to leave the premises in a quiet and orderly fashion to respect the local neighbour’s needs.
46. The number of events held in the designated external area including live or recorded music entertainment shall not exceed 6 events per calendar year, each of maximum 2 consecutive days duration, and music to finish at 22:00 hours. The maximum permitted number of event days totals 12 days per year.
47. The Premises Licence Holder shall submit for written approval by the Environmental Protection Service a Noise Management Plan providing details of operational procedures to protect the occupiers of nearby dwellings from noise of the external area and dispersion. Such details shall include, inter alia, operational procedures, monitoring of customer activities, smoking and/ or consuming alcohol policy, good relationship with responsible taxi services, relevant signage, CCTV consideration, complaints handling procedure, practical policy of noise complaint monitoring, staff training relating to noise awareness etc.