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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 21:59 on 12 January 2025
DQ (and upstairs)
32 Bowden Street, Sheffield, S1 4HA
Completed application 1023375 which is a Minor Variation Application for Premises Licence from 17/07/2008 to indefinite
Full Name
Tassaker Properties Ltd
Full Name
Mr Stephen Matthew Burnett
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Stephen Matthew Burnett
Permitted Activities
a performance of a play
a performance of live music
a performance of live music
an exhibition of a film
any playing of recorded music
any playing of recorded music
an indoor sporting event
a performance of dance
a performance of dance
a boxing or wrestling entertainment
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
provision of late night refreshment
provision of late night refreshment
a performance of dance
the supply of alcohol
the supply of alcohol
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. Notices will be displayed requesting patrons to leave the premises quietly. 3. Outside area to operate only between 10:00 and 23:00 hours. 4. No persons under 18 years allowed in ground floor bar other than prearranged private functions and they must be accompanied and supervised by a person aged 18 years or over. 5. Children under 16 years not allowed in first floor restaurant after 23:00 hours. Any children under 18 must be accompanied and supervised by a person aged 18 years or over. 6. Children are to be accompanied by an adult up until 19:00 hours. 7. No persons under the age of 18 years are allowed on the premises after 19:00 hours unless attending a pre-booked private function. 8. The ground floor and the first floor to be used as separate venues. 9. All power points on the ground floor and first floor to be used for live music and entertainment are to have a residual current device (RCD) installed. 10. Capacity: Ground Floor 350 First Floor 250 11. A written procedure, incorporating daily checks, will be in place which suitably and adequately ensures that any defects and damage to the premises are repaired by a competent person as soon as is practicably possible. The premises licence holder will nominate a person in writing to maintain a record showing when the defects were identified and when they were repaired. 12. While the premises are open to the public, all drinks will be provided in containers made from plastic or toughened/safety glass. 13. No amplified sound shall be played within the building except through an in-house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiter, the settings of which shall have received the prior written approval of the Environmental Protection Service. 14. There shall be a dedicated smoking area restricted to no more than 15 people at any one time. The area shall be separated from people queuing to enter the building and shall be supervised by staff so as to restrict the number of people outside and minimise noise disturbance. 15. Signs shall be placed outside the venue and in the smoking area, reminding patrons that they are close to residential accommodation and should be quiet while using the facilities. 16. The DPS or designated member of staff will take a proactive approach to noise control, checking outside the premises to ensure that noise is kept to a reasonable level from patrons using external areas, so as not to cause a nuisance to the nearest noise sensitive properties. Specific conditions converted from the Public Entertainment Licence 1. Where the Council is of the opinion that in order to avoid or reduce any disturbance of or annoyance to residents in the neighbourhood of the premises or the occurrence of disorderly conduct in the premises, it is desirable for the permitted hours specified above to be varied, the Council may, after affording the licensee the opportunity of making representations to the Council, by notice served on the licensee vary the permitted hours and thereafter the hours specified in the notice shall apply in substitution for the hours specified in sub-paragraph (1) above. 2. The licensee shall maintain at the premises a register containing the following details of all persons present on the premises during Public Entertainments whose duties wholly or mainly consist of the direction or control of members of the public. The details of each person shall be entered prior to that person commencing such duties and shall not be deleted from the register for a period of twelve months from the last date upon which that person carried out such duties. The details of each person required to be kept are: full name and address, date of birth, photograph, physical description and description of duties at the premises. The licensee shall also keep a record showing which registered person(s) are working at the premises on each occasion the premises are open for the purpose of Public Entertainment. This record is to be kept at the premises for a period of not less than twelve months. The register and record shall be open for inspection at any time by any police officer or authorised officer of the council. 3. The licensee shall only permit staff registered by the Security Industry Authority to be engaged in duties which wholly or mainly consist of: a. deciding on the suitability of persons to be allowed on the premises and/or b. maintaining order on the premises Specific conditions converted from the justices on licence 1. Intoxicating liquor shall only be sold or supplied in the areas edged red on the plans deposited with the Licensing Authority 2. The licensee shall be a member of the pub watch scheme. 3. Colour CCTV will be installed both on the ground and first floors, in position agreed with the police and tapes stored for such period of time as the police may specify. 4. There shall be no sale of intoxicating liquor for consumption off the premises except in sealed vessels other than in the confines of the boundary of the premises indicated on the plans as the outside area. 5) Suitable beverages, including drinking water, other than intoxicating liquor shall be equally available for consumption with or otherwise, as ancillary to meals served in the licensed premises (ground and 1st floor)
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. Notices will be displayed requesting patrons to leave the premises quietly. 3. Outside area to operate only between 10:00 and 23:00 hours. 4. No persons under 18 years allowed in ground floor bar other than prearranged private functions and they must be accompanied and supervised by a person aged 18 years or over. 5. Children under 16 years not allowed in first floor restaurant after 23:00 hours. Any children under 18 must be accompanied and supervised by a person aged 18 years or over. 6. Children are to be accompanied by an adult up until 19:00 hours. 7. No persons under the age of 18 years are allowed on the premises after 19:00 hours unless attending a pre-booked private function. 8. The ground floor and the first floor to be used as separate venues. 9. All power points on the ground floor and first floor to be used for live music and entertainment are to have a residual current device (RCD) installed. 10. Capacity: Ground Floor 350 First Floor 250 11. A written procedure, incorporating daily checks, will be in place which suitably and adequately ensures that any defects and damage to the premises are repaired by a competent person as soon as is practicably possible. The premises licence holder will nominate a person in writing to maintain a record showing when the defects were identified and when they were repaired. 12. While the premises are open to the public, all drinks will be provided in containers made from plastic or toughened/safety glass. 13. No amplified sound shall be played within the building except through an in-house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiter, the settings of which shall have received the prior written approval of the Environmental Protection Service. 14. There shall be a dedicated smoking area restricted to no more than 15 people at any one time. The area shall be separated from people queuing to enter the building and shall be supervised by staff so as to restrict the number of people outside and minimise noise disturbance. 15. Signs shall be placed outside the venue and in the smoking area, reminding patrons that they are close to residential accommodation and should be quiet while using the facilities. 16. The DPS or designated member of staff will take a proactive approach to noise control, checking outside the premises to ensure that noise is kept to a reasonable level from patrons using external areas, so as not to cause a nuisance to the nearest noise sensitive properties. Specific conditions converted from the Public Entertainment Licence 1. Where the Council is of the opinion that in order to avoid or reduce any disturbance of or annoyance to residents in the neighbourhood of the premises or the occurrence of disorderly conduct in the premises, it is desirable for the permitted hours specified above to be varied, the Council may, after affording the licensee the opportunity of making representations to the Council, by notice served on the licensee vary the permitted hours and thereafter the hours specified in the notice shall apply in substitution for the hours specified in sub-paragraph (1) above. 2. The licensee shall maintain at the premises a register containing the following details of all persons present on the premises during Public Entertainments whose duties wholly or mainly consist of the direction or control of members of the public. The details of each person shall be entered prior to that person commencing such duties and shall not be deleted from the register for a period of twelve months from the last date upon which that person carried out such duties. The details of each person required to be kept are: full name and address, date of birth, photograph, physical description and description of duties at the premises. The licensee shall also keep a record showing which registered person(s) are working at the premises on each occasion the premises are open for the purpose of Public Entertainment. This record is to be kept at the premises for a period of not less than twelve months. The register and record shall be open for inspection at any time by any police officer or authorised officer of the council. 3. The licensee shall only permit staff registered by the Security Industry Authority to be engaged in duties which wholly or mainly consist of: a. deciding on the suitability of persons to be allowed on the premises and/or b. maintaining order on the premises Specific conditions converted from the justices on licence 1. Intoxicating liquor shall only be sold or supplied in the areas edged red on the plans deposited with the Licensing Authority 2. The licensee shall be a member of the pub watch scheme. 3. Colour CCTV will be installed both on the ground and first floors, in position agreed with the police and tapes stored for such period of time as the police may specify. 4. There shall be no sale of intoxicating liquor for consumption off the premises except in sealed vessels other than in the confines of the boundary of the premises indicated on the plans as the outside area. 5) Suitable beverages, including drinking water, other than intoxicating liquor shall be equally available for consumption with or otherwise, as ancillary to meals served in the licensed premises (ground and 1st floor)
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. OR 1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children, save for the use of authorised AWP machines and cigarette machines.
Conditions attached following an application to vary the premises licence: Board Hearing Held 18th April 2007 Conditions effective from 18th April 2007 1) The extended hours shown below apply only to private 'invitation only' events on Sunday mornings. The premises must close to the public for a minimum of 30 minutes prior to commencing private 'invitation only' events. DQ Sundays 04:30am until 08:00am Upstairs Sundays 04:00am until 08:00am For: Live Music Recorded Music Provision of facilities for making music Provision of facilities for dancing Late night refreshment (until 05:00am) Supply of alcohol Both venues can remain open for 'invitation only' events until 08:30am. 2) 'Invitation only' events must be limited to a maximum capacity of 350 persons. 3) 14 days prior notification must be given to the Environmental Protection Service for any 'invitation only' events where the capacity is extended to go beyond 350 persons and when both rooms at the premises are to be used.