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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 16:01 on 22 December 2024
White Bear
46 Stocks Hill, Ecclesfield, Sheffield, S35 9YT
Completed application 160395 which is a Cancellation/Surrender for Premises Licence from 24/11/2005 to 28/06/2006
Full Name
Mr Roger Cheetham
Permitted Activities
any playing of recorded music
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. Signs to be displayed near the exits requesting patrons to leave the premises quietly. Designated Premises Supervisor and staff to remind customers to respect the needs of local residents when leaving. 2. Fire action notices to be posted and emergency escape routes to be signposted and illuminated as appropriate. The fire alarm system should be regularly checked. 3. The DPS will be a member of the local Licensing Watch (as long as it exists). 4. Front windows are to be kept closed during performances of music. 5. All persons under the age of 18 to be accompanied by an appropriate adult. 6. The DPS and staff to monitor sound levels throughout performances.
1. CCTV is to be installed on the premises in accordance with the minimum standard specified by South Yorkshire Police at positions agreed with the Police. These images are to be stored for 31 days or such lesser period of time acceptable to the South Yorkshire Police. 2. This CCTV equipment is to be maintained and in use at all times when the premises are open. 3. The Police are to be given access to images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. 4. External lighting is to be provided in order to enhance CCTV images where necessary.