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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 21:35 on 15 January 2025
Handsworth Inn
343 Handsworth Road, Handsworth, Sheffield, S13 9BP
Completed application 1024686 which is a Variation Application for Premises Licence from 07/12/2011 to indefinite
Full Name
Mr Garry Fairchild
Full Name
Mr Garry Fairchild
Full Name
Gosschalks LLP
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Garry Fairchild
Permitted Activities
an exhibition of a film
an indoor sporting event
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. The DPS will be a member of the local Licence Watch, or its replacement (as long as it exists). 3. A notice will be placed prominently at the exits asking customers to leave quietly. 4. Kitchen extract filters will be cleaned at least once a week to minimise the effect of cooking smells on neighbours. 5. Anyone who appears to be under the age if 21 shall require appropriate photographic proof of age before being served alcohol. 6. A Colour CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times when the premises are open. CCTV images will be stored for 28 days. Police will be given access to the copies of images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. 7. No persons under the age of 18 years to be on the premises after 20:00 hours, with the exception of those taking table meals who are allowed to remain on the premises until 21:00 hours. 8. Persons shall only be allowed to remove drinks from the premises in sealed containers. 9. When dancing is to take place on the premises in an area not previously approved for dancing by the Authority, at least 14 days notice must be given to Environment and Regulatory Services (Health Protection Service) and the Licensing Authority, identifying the area to be used which is not less than 20% of the capacity on a 0.4m2/person as the designated dance floor and dancing must not take place in that area unless approved by the Authority. With the exception of pre-booked private parties.