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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 21:01 on 7 January 2025
Red House Convenience Store
168 Solly Street, Sheffield, S1 4BB
Premises Licence SY000112 from from 29/04/2016 to 30/10/2018
Licence holder(s)
Full Name
Albany Build Ltd
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Jeffrey Howard Smith
Permitted Activities
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. The DPS should be a member of the local Pubwatch scheme (as long as it exists) 2. Children (under the age of 16) to be off the premises by 9pm each evening. 3. The DPS, or some such other person, will be assigned to act as lead safeguarder for childrenÂ’s issues at the premises. 4. A permanent Residual Current Device (RCD) must protect the electrical supply serving musical equipment. 5. The premises licence holder shall prominently display A4 notices on all exits reminding patrons to leave the premises in a quiet and orderly fashion to respect the local neighbours needs. 6. An internal door is to be installed to create a lobby for the rear fire door, following consultation with the Environmental Protection Service. 7. All ventilation outlets, which serve the licensed area, are to be installed with acoustic baffles and thereafter retained. 8. To meet with the reasonable requirements of South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. 9. A strict anti drugs policy will be upheld within the premises. 10. Toilets will be regularly checked by the Designated Premises Supervisor and staff. 11. A managed dispersal policy will be in operation to minimise risk of disturbance outside the premises. 12. A licensed taxi service will be promoted to assist in customersÂ’ onward journey.
1. The Designated Premises Supervisor or designated member of staff must take a proactive approach to noise control, checking outside the premises to ensure that noise is kept to a reasonable level and manage noise levels internally so as not to cause a nuisance to the nearest noise sensitive building and record in an appropriate manner all such checks which should be available to all authorised officers of the City Council and South Yorkshire Police on request. 2 There shall be no sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises after 00:30 hours, Monday to Friday inclusive and 01:30 hours, Saturday and Sunday inclusive until 10:00 on each day. 3 All windows and doors shall be closed, except for access and egress, when regulated entertainment is taking place on the premises after 23:00 hours.