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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 04:12 on 10 January 2025
Sportsman Inn
183 Worrall Road, Sheffield, S6 4BB
Completed application 182359 which is a Suspension after Non-Payment of Annual Fee/Levy for Premises Licence from 15/01/2020 to indefinite
Full Name
Mrs Kim Gill
Full Name
Mrs Kim Gill
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mrs Kim Gill
Permitted Activities
an exhibition of a film
an indoor sporting event
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. Any person exercising a security activity (as defined by paragraph 2 (1)(a) of schedule 2 of the Private Security Industry Act 2001) shall be licensed by the Security Activity Authority. 2. Such a person will be employed at the premises at the discretion of the designated premises supervisor/holder of the Premises Licence. 3. Any person as defined in condition (1) will clearly display his name badge at all times whilst on duty. 4. No customers apparently carrying empty bottles shall be admitted to the premises at any time the premises are open to the public. 5. Alcoholic and other drinks may not be removed from the premises in open containers save for consumption in any external area provided for that purpose. 6. Any performances of dance will be by entertainers primarily providing entertainment by way of live music and singing as an ancillary to that entertainment. 7. Where appropriate, prominent, clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting the public respect the need of local residents and to leave the premises and area quietly. 8. Noise or vibration shall not emanate from the premises so as to cause a nuisance to nearby properties. 9. Children under the age of 16 shall not be permitted to enter the premises after 21:00. 10. A permanent fixed residual current device (RCD) must protect the electrical power supply serving all amplified music equipment used for the purpose of live music and other entertainment 11. When dancing is to take place on the premises in an area not previously approved for dancing by the Authority, at least 14 days notice must be given to Environment and Regulatory Services (Health Protection Service) and the Licensing Authority, identifying the area to be used which should be suitable and adequate in size as the designated dance floor for the intended use, and dancing must not take place in that area unless approved by the Authority.
1. The provision of live entertainment and recorded music played by a disc jockey being held on not more than ten occasions per year and, of those, no more than five being public events. 2. The live musicians and disc jockeys only performing in the central trading area (marked A on the plan) and amplified music not being relayed to speakers on any other trade areas. 3. The live music being limited to two performers at any one time. 4. Recorded music amanating from the provision of a jukebox in the premises being permitted throughout the whole premises but not to any area outside the building structure but within the curtilage of the site. 5. Dancing, excluding any erotic, nude or semi-nude dancing, being permitted by up to two live performers and no other person and no dancing by customers being permitted on the premises. 6. The outside drinking area to be closed at 11pm. 7. There being no music played outside the building but within the curtilage of the premises. 8. No persons being admitted to the premises after midnight. 9. The doors and windows of the premises being kept closed (except for access and egress) after 11.00pm on Monday and Saturday and 10.30pm on Sunday.