1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities,
other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises
that may give rise to concern in respect of children.
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities,
other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises
that may give rise to concern in respect of children, save for the use
of authorised AWP machines and cigarette machines.
"A colour CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times whilst the premises are open. The CCTV images will be stored for 31days and police an authorised officers of the council will be given access to images for the purpose in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. Members of the management team will be trained in the use of the system. A copy of the specification dated January 2010 will be available at all times for inspection of the police and authorised officers