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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 21:05 on 15 January 2025
Golden City Chinese Take-Away
64 Birley Moor Road, Sheffield, S12 4WD
Premises Licence SY002081 from from 31/12/2011 to 16/01/2019
Licence holder(s)
Full Name
Ms Lit Lee Chan
Permitted Activities
provision of late night refreshment
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. Flooring within the premises shall have slip resistant finish. 3. All escape routes shall be kept clear. 4. Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult after 21:00 hours.