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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 02:37 on 25 December 2024
Miners Arms
125 Warren Lane, Chapeltown, Sheffield, S35 2YD
Completed application 1038339 which is a Change of Supervisor (DPS) for Premises Licence from 06/11/2013 to indefinite
Full Name
Daniel Thwaites PLC
Full Name
Mr Martin Sims
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Martin Sims
Permitted Activities
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. A permanent fixed residual current device (RCD) must protect the electrical power supply serving all amplified music equipment used for the purpose of live music and other entertainment. 2. The DPS will be a member of the local Licence Watch (as long as it exists). 3. There are to be no Happy Hours at the premises. Such Happy Hours are defined as irresponsible drinks promotions which encourage excessive drinking. 4. Toughened glass will continue to be used during any additional hours. 5. All electrical appliances must be serviced on a yearly basis. 6. All fire equipment must be serviced on a yearly basis. 7. Certificates relating to these inspections must be kept on the premises and made available to council officers as appropriate. 8. Fire action notices to be posted, and emergency escape routes to be signposted and illuminated as appropriate. The fire alarm system should be regularly checked. 9. The holder of the premises licence shall nominate a member of staff to remove and dispose of any litter outside the premises originating from their business. 10. Music must be reduced to a background level 30 minutes prior to closing to create a mood change. 11. No recorded or live music will be played in any external parts of the premises at any time. 12. Except for access and egress, all windows and doors to remain closed when live or recorded music is played. 13. Persons aged less than 18 years of age to be excluded from the premises on occasions which the management deem appropriate and subject to the activities to be taking place.