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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 02:48 on 16 January 2025
Picture House Social
383 Abbeydale Road South, Abbeydale, Sheffield, S7 1FS
Completed application 182396 which is a Suspension after Non-Payment of Annual Fee/Levy for Premises Licence from 15/01/2020 to indefinite
Full Name
PH Social Entertainments Ltd
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Joseph John Cribley
Permitted Activities
a performance of a play
an exhibition of a film
an indoor sporting event
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Premises Open Hours Requested
Time From
Time To