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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 08:12 on 12 January 2025
Sheffield General Cemetery
Cemetery Avenue/Montague Street, Sheffield, S11 8NT
Completed application 1026422 which is a Change of Supervisor (DPS) for Premises Licence from 01/04/2008 to indefinite
Full Name
Sheffield General Cemetery Trust
Full Name
Miss Luisa Golob
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Miss Luisa Golob
Permitted Activities
a performance of a play
an exhibition of a film
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. At all times when conducting licensable activities the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS), and / or DPS nominated Person(s) will be present and responsible for promoting the four licensing objectives. 3. When planning and/or conducting any licensable activities the premises will liaise with the Police Service, carry out adequate risk of crime and disorder assessment procedures and mitigate the risks identified by the provision of adequate: (a) Promotion of responsible drinking, including restrictions on drinks promotions, measures to prevent binge drinking and ensuring availability of food. (b) Deployment of highly visible trained (and where appropriate SIA registered) staff ensuring effective supervision at all times. (c) Use of seating and standing areas, sound, lighting, layout and other design features to promote crime prevention. 4. When planning and/or conducting any licensable activities the premises will liaise with the Fire, Police and Ambulance Service, carry out adequate risk to public safety assessment procedures and mitigate the risks identified by the provision of adequate: (a) Monitoring and control procedures for crowd size, movement and safety. (b) Designated access and egress routes for pedestrians with good lighting, signage and stewarding (c) Information points, signage, safety notices, public address systems and stewards. (d) Adequate services provided: drinking water, toilets, litter bins, waste collection and disposal etc. (e) Designated access and egress routes and parking facilities for vehicles with good lighting, signage and stewarding etc. (f) Fire Safety measure to include: fire fighting equipment, exit signage and emergency lighting. (g) First aid personnel, equipment and treatment facilities. (h) Safety precautions must be provide on use of all special effects: dry ice, smoke, fog, pyrotechnics, lasers, explosives and real flames etc. (i) Regular inspections and Certificates for Gas and Electrical Services. (j) Regular Inspections and Certification for Kitchen and Catering Facilities. (k) Consultation with responsible authorities, regular inspections and Certification of any temporary fixed structures, staging and/or raised areas. (l) Plastic/non glass bottles and receptacles where appropriate must be used. 5. When planning and/or conducting any licensable activities the premises will liaise with Sheffield City Council, to consider the location of the licensed premises and character of the surrounding area in relation to the proximity to residential and other noise sensitive premises, and ensure that there is provision of adequate measures to monitor and control: (a) Noise from licensable activities. (b) Noise from deliveries and collections (c) Collection, disposal and/or recycling of waste. (d) Odour and light nuisance. (e) Traffic and parking management. 6. When planning and/or conducting any licensable activities to consider the nature of activity, carry out adequate procedures to assess the likelihood of harm to children and ensure measures are taken to protect children from harm, including: (a) Limitation of access dependant on nature of activities. (b) Use of British Board of Film Classification for film exhibitions. (c) Use of proof of Age Standard Scheme (PASS) for supply of alcohol. (d) Use of written and verbal warning statements for plays, music and/or performance of dance considered unsuitable for children. (e) Use of signage stating requirements for accompanying adults. 7. The licensed activity shall be conducted in accordance with a suitable and sufficient site specific Health and Safety Plan, which must be submitted to the Health Protection Service 28 days prior to the event taking place. 8. A site inspection may be undertaken before licensed activity takes place and the activity shall not proceed unless the Health Protection Service are satisfied with the provisions made for the event. 9. The electrical supply serving amplified music equipment for live entertainment and DJ must be protected by a Residual Current Device (RCD). 10. Notice must be given for any proposed events with regulated entertainment under this licence in writing to Environmental Protection Service if possible at least 28 days in advance of the start date of any such event, or in any case a period of time to give adequate notice to allow suitable and sufficient comment to be made on public nuisance.