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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 16:18 on 15 January 2025
Pizza Place
32 Firth Park Road, Sheffield, S5 6WN
Completed application 1011832 which is a New Application for Premises Licence from 22/06/2009 to indefinite
Full Name
Mr Mostafa Shahidan
Permitted Activities
provision of late night refreshment
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. No person who appears to be drunk or is behaving in a manner which may cause public nuisance, will be served at the premises.
(i) a member of staff being nominated to remove and dispose of any litter originating from the business immediately to the frontage of the premises extending to the kerb edge; (ii) all children under the age of 16 years being accompanied by an adult; (iii) a colour CCTV system to the specification of the South Yorkshire Police, to be fitted within a period of 12 months from the date of the licence, such system to be maintained and in use at all times the premises are open, the CCTV images being stored for 28 days and Police and Authorised Officers of the Council being given access to images for officers in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder (iv) the Premises Licence Holder and all persons working at the premises being fully trained in the use of the CCTV system in order that images can be immediately obtained by Police and Authorised Officers of the Council; (v) the CCTV system covering the inside and front of the premises; (vi) additional lighting being fitted to the front of the premises, sufficient to enable clear images of persons to be recorded by CCTV; and (vii) any disorderly conduct on the premises being reported to the Police in accordance with the Violent Incident Protocol which shall be brought to the attention of staff and a copy displayed on the wall behind the counter.