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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 10:18 on 12 January 2025
Sharrow Vale Road
Between Hunters Bar Roundabout & Hickmott Road, Sheffield, S11 8YB
Completed application 1031234 which is a New Application for Premises Licence from 15/11/2012 to indefinite
Full Name
Sharrow Vale Community Association
Permitted Activities
a performance of a play
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. Notice must be given for any proposed event under this licence and in writing to South Yorkshire Police Licensing Department, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and Environment and Regulatory Services 28 Days in advance of the start date of any such event. 3. Any licensable activity shall be conducted in accordance with a suitable and sufficient site specific Health and Safety Plan. The plan shall incorporate risk assessments and other measures including stewarding, police prescence, information, site plan and time schedule. 4. A Site inspection may be undertaken before any licensable activity takes place and the activity shall not proceed unless the responsible authority is satisfied with the provisions made for the event. 5. A suitable member of staff will be assigned to have a lead responsiblilty for co ordinating childrens safeguarding systems at events. This person must act in compliance with the events guidance and safeguarding training provided by the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board.