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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 08:58 on 27 December 2024
Marketing Suite, Unit 2 St Paul's Place, Sheffield, S1 2JU
Completed application 204856 which is a Suspension after Non-Payment of Annual Fee/Levy for Premises Licence from 17/06/2014 to indefinite
Full Name
Restaurant Bar & Grill Ltd
Full Name
Ms Daniele Siro Brigiano
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Ms Daniele Siro Brigiano
Permitted Activities
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. A full CCTV system shall be maintained and operated at the premises with cameras positioned both internally and externally. Recorded CCTV images will be maintained and stored for a peiod of 28 days and shall be produced to the Police or Licensing Authority upon request. the system will be in operation at any time a person is in the premises. 3. Where CCTV is recorded onto a hard drive system, any DVDs subsequently produced will be in a format so it can be played back on a standard PC or DVD player. 4. Any person left in charge of the premises must be trained in the use of any such CCTV equipment, and be able to prioduce CCTV images to an officer from a responsible authority upon request. 5. Open containers of alcohol shall not be removed from the premises, save for consumption in any delineated external area as shown on the plan attached to the licence. 6. Staff will be trained in the laws relating to under age sales, and that training shall be documented and repeated at 6 monthly intervals. 7. A refusals book will be maintained at the premises, and made available to an officer of a responsile authority upon request. 8. A first aid box will be available at the premises at all times. 9. The premises shall maintain an incident log and public liability insurance. 10. Noise from amplified music or voices shall not be such as to cause a noise nuisance to occupants or nearby premises. 11. The exterior of the building shall be cleared of litter at regular intervals. 12. Notices shall be positioned at the exits to the building requesting customers to leave in a quiet manner. 13. No noise shall emanate from the premises nor vibration be transmitted through the structure of the premises which gives rise to a nuisance. 14. A Challenge 21 policy shall be implemented and appropriate identification sought from any person who appears to be under the age of 18. The only forms of identification that will be accepted will be photographic driving licences, passports, HM forces cards or a form of identification with the PASS hologram.