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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 19:03 on 12 January 2025
Devonshire Green - Sheffield Pride
Devonshire Green and carpark, S1
Completed application 1035522 which is a New Application for Premises Licence to indefinite
Full Name
Mr Andrew Watson
Full Name
Sheffield Pride Ltd
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Andrew Watson
Permitted Activities
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. 14 days written notice will be provided to South Yorkshire Police prior to the event. Full contact details will be provided when written notice is provided. 2. Only plastic drinkware is to be utilised throughout the event. 3. Events will be planned and operate in compliance with the guidance issued by the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board. 4. The designated premises supervisor or other such responsible person must act as co-ordinator for safeguarding systems at the event. This person will act in compliance with the guidance and training provided by the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board and be in attendance at events involving children and young people. Planning for the Event: 5. The Premises Licence Holder/ Promoter shall appoint a named person to co-ordinate noise issues, to the approval of the Environmental Protection Service, no later than 4 weeks prior to the event. The noise co-ordinator shall liaise between all parties Environmental Protection Service, DPS, Promoter, sound system suppliers, sound engineers and Licensing Authority, on all matters relating to noise control prior to and during the event. Prior to the Event: 6. A noise propagation test shall be undertaken with the Environmental Protection Service present, prior to the start of the event in order to set appropriate control limits at the sound mixer position. The sound system shall be configured and operated in a similar manner as intended for the event. The sound source used for the test shall be similar in character to the music most likely to be produced during the event. 7. The noise co-ordinator shall ensure that prior to the event during any testing of equipment, minimum noise levels are emitted from the sound equipment to reduce to its lowest level any noise nuisance to local residents. During the Event: 8. The noise co-ordinator shall ensure that noise is monitored at the perimeter of the site (or other appropriate noise sensitive location) throughout the event, and at least during each different artist. 9. The 'noise co-ordinator shall comply with any request made by a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to reduce or remix sound emanating from the amplification system. 10. Facilities shall be provided on the mixing desk, or other appropriate position, for a nominated officer(s) of the Environmental Protection Service to monitor and where necessary secure a reduction in noise level to a reasonable level. 11. The event will be ticketed with admission open to all over 16 years of age holding a valid ticket. Tickets will be available before the event and on the day of the event. Capacity will be further monitored by security personnel and a 'one in one out' system will be operated. The capacity will be equal only to the number of tickets sold. SAG conditions: 12. The licensee shall ensure that sound testing is only carried out between the hours of 10:00 and 19:00 and is of the shortest duration practicable. 13. A minimum of one children's safeguarder will be assigned to duty at events involving children and young people. This member of staff must act in compliance with the guidance and training provided by the Sheffiedl Safeguarding Children Board including a children and young peoples risk assessment for each event. 14. Written Risk assessment(s) will be provided to and discussed at the Safety Advisory Group Meetings meeting. 15. The licensed activity shall be conducted in accordance with a suitable and sufficient site specific Event Health and Safety Plan in agreement with the Safety Advisory Group. 16. Any reasonable requirements of the Safety Advisory Group will be complied with in order to ensure that the event site is suitable for its intended use. 17. There shall be no special effects (eg pyrotechnics, lasers, strobes, etc) without prior approval of the Safety Advisory Group. 18. Any annual events that take place under this licence must not take place until they have been discussed and agreed through the Safety Advisory Group. 19. Any structures, screens, platforms, fences etc. must be agreed by the Safety Advisory Group and full written details including plans and calculation must be provide when requested by the Safety Advisory Group. 20. Detailed Stewarding and Policing Plans will be provided to the Safety Advisory Group for discussion and agreement. 21. Detailed Medical and First Aid proposals and plans will be provided to the Safety Advisory Group for discussion and agreement. 22. Site inspection(s) will be co-ordinated by the Safety Advisory Group before the licensed activity takes place and the activity shall not proceed unless the Safety Advisory Group is satisfied with the provisions made for the event. 23. At the end of the final site inspection the Licence holder will provide any certification that is required by the Safety Advisory Group such as Electrical Certificates, Fire Certificates, Erection Certificates and Completion Certificates etc. 24. The capacity for each event will be discussed and agreed at a Safety Advisory Group Meeting. 25. The method of ticketing will be discussed and agreed at a Safety Advisory Group Meeting. 26. The Licence Holder will ensure that there is a detailed fit for purpose written Contingency Plan in place for each event that has been agreed by the Emergency Services and the safety Advisory Group. 27. The Licence Holder will ensure that they give the Chair of the Safety Advisory Group a minimum eight weeks notice of any events held under this licence. 28. Events involving persons under the age of 18 years will be planned in compliance with the guidance issued by the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board. 29. At events where age restrictions apply, or where alcohol is on sale, an age verification scheme must operate in compliance with the partnership guidance issued by the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board, South Yorkshire Police and Trading Standards. This scheme must also apply to persons accessing the event using V.I.P/Guest list privileges. 30. The applicant will produce an Event Management Plan which will include the name, address and telephone number of lead person(s) responsible for safeguarding children at an event.