1. The Premises Licence is to provide licensable activities for a maximum of 3 days during the months of May-September in either 2023 or 2024. Provisional dates are 2nd and 3rd June 2023.
2. If the organiser / Licence Holder needs to alter the 3-day proposal due to current restraints or postpone into a further 12-month period, this can only be achieved with Local Authority approval.
3. Notice of the proposed Event Days will be provided to the Licensing Authority and Responsible Authorities no less than 6 months prior to the First Event Day or such other period as may be agreed by the Licensing Authority.
4. The applicant will provide a draft Event Management Plan to the Safety Advisory Group at least 6 months prior to the First Event Day. The Safety Advisory Group will be provided with details of planning for the Events and will be a forum to scrutinise the plans.
5. A final version of the Event Management Plan will be submitted to the Safety Advisory Group no later than 28 days before the First Event Day.
6. The Event Management Plan shall comprise but not be limited to:
- Event Safety Management Plan
- Event Risk Assessment
- Site Schedule
- Site Plan
- Site Safety Plan
- Emergency Plan (Including Emergency Evacuation plan and Show Stop Procedure)
- Security and Stewarding Plan (including ingress and egress plans, searching as agreed with local police, deployment plan and terrorism risk assessment) as agreed with Sheffield Police.
- Drugs Policy
- Noise Management Plan (including residents hot line information and designated off site monitoring locations as agreed with Environmental Health Team)
- Fire Safety Assessment and Plan
- Adverse Weather Plan
- Medical Needs & Management Plan
- Concessions Management Plan
- Alcohol Management Plan,
- Transport and Traffic Management Plan
- Construction Phase Plan, Risk Assessments and Method Statements.
- Sanitation Plan
- Waste and Litter Management Plan (including litter management on & offsite/residential as agreed with Safety Advisory Group)
- COVID19 management plan and risk assessment (if applicable)
- Welfare Plan (including Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy)
7. The applicant will manage the operation of the Event in accordance with the Event Management Plan with the involvement of the Event Liaison Team. Changes to the Event Management Plan, during the Event, shall be made with the consent of the Event Liaison Team.
8. We will pro-actively promote a positive message to ticket purchasers outlining some of the points detailed below prior to the event to include; zero tolerance to drugs, under 14's with an adult, travel details and challenge 25.
9. No alcohol will be served in glass & all bottled drinks / canned drinks will be opened prior to service.
10. The Licence Holder shall appoint a residents liaison following the lodging of this Application. The applicant will begin communication with residents 5 months prior to the First Event Day with a letter providing top level information about the proposed Event together with the applicants contact information. This communication would also invite the residents to a residents meeting no later than 4 months prior to the First Event Day so that local residents have the opportunity to discuss the Event and any concerns with the applicant and the applicants Specialist Contractors such as Security, Noise Management, Traffic Management and Cleansing/Waste. A further letter will be sent to residents within 28 days of the Event with more detailed information; live event times and contact details during the event. During the event our Resident Liaison Officer will be a point of contact for residents which will link into the Event Control to give instructions to relevant contractors such as Security, Noise Management etc. The applicant will work closely with Ward Councillors, Friends of Hillsborough Park, Hillsborough Forum and the SAG to minimize impact upon the local community.
11. Suitable and experienced Security and Crowd Management Contractors will be appointed and will provide a Security and Crowd Management Plan which will be included in the Event Management Plan.
12. A security presence will be on site during the Event Period. The deployments will be agreed with Sheffield Police and will include Security Response Teams. Security will be placed off-site to help the dispersal of attendees as agreed with Sheffield Police and the Safety Advisory Group.
13. A search regime will be implemented on entry to the Events to search for prohibited items such as weapons or illegal substances.
14. The Licence Holder will operate a zero-tolerance policy to drugs.
15. The Licence Holder will operate a strict challenge 25 policy at all bars.
16. The Licence Holder will actively promote a positive message to ticket purchasers detailing the zero tolerance to drugs, Challenge 25 Policy and that under 14's must be accompanied by an adult.
17. The following conditions have been agreed with Sheffield Police:
• A welfare provision will be on site who will lead on safeguarding and work closely with Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership.
• Drinks to be provided in plastic vessels or cans. The use of glassware is not permitted.
• Supply of alcohol to run until the end of the event to allow for a slower, more controlled egress.
18. A suitably experienced and qualified Health and Safety Consultant will be appointed to undertake Risk Assessments and produce appropriate Method Statements which will be included in the Event Management Plan.
19. The Security and Crowd Management Plan will include measures to monitor crowd movement and promptly and effectively identify crowd control issues. It will also oversee the safe ingress and egress to and from the event.
20. A Major Incident Plan will be included within the Event Management Plan to provide details of coordination with Emergency Services and evacuation to agreed rendezvous points.
21. The application will appoint a suitably and experienced Medical and First Aid Contractor to provide services at the Event. This contractor will undertake a Risk Assessment and produce a Medical Risk Assessment and Plan.
22. The application is responsible for sanitation at the Site and facilities will include the provision and maintenance of adequate numbers of toilets, urinals and accessible toilets.
23. A COVID-19 Assessment and Mitigation Plan will be provided to the Safety Advisory Group for scrutiny as required, which will be based on the latest Government Guidance and Advice.
24. The Event Risk Assessment, Fire Safety Assessment, Management of LPG, Pyrotechnics and Special Effects will also be included in the Event Management Plan for scrutiny and approval by the Safety Advisory Group.
25. The services of the UK's leading acoustic consultants; Vanguardia, have been engaged to produce a Noise Management Plan for the approval of the Environmental Protection Service.
The following conditions have been agreed with the Environmental Protection Service:
Planning for the Event:
26. The Premises Licence Holder shall appoint a suitably qualified noise consultant, to the approval of the Environmental Protection Service, to produce a Noise Management Plan (NMP). The NMP shall be produced no later than 6 weeks prior to the event and shall include details of predicted noise levels at nearest noise sensitive properties based on modelling, or actual noise measurements. The noise level predictions shall only be based on the sound system to be deployed for the event. The NMP shall detail measures for how noise will be monitored and proactively managed during the event. The appointed noise consultant shall liaise between all parties - Environmental Protection Service, Production Manager, DPS, sound system suppliers, sound engineers, Licensing Authority, on all matters relating to noise control prior to and during the event.
Prior to the Event:
27. A noise propagation test shall be undertaken with the Environmental Protection Service present, prior to the start of the event in order to set appropriate control limits at the sound mixer position. The sound system shall be configured and operated in a similar manner as intended for the event. The sound source used for the test shall be similar in character to the music most likely to be produced during the event.
28. The noise consultant shall ensure that prior to the event during any testing of equipment, minimum noise levels are emitted from the sound equipment to reduce to its lowest level any noise nuisance to local residents.
During the Event:
29. The noise consultant shall ensure that noise is monitored at the perimeter of the site (or other appropriate noise sensitive location) throughout the event, and at least during each different artist.
30. The noise consultant shall comply with any request made by a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to reduce or remix sound emanating from the amplification system.
31. Facilities shall be provided on the mixing desk, or other appropriate position, for a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to monitor and where necessary secure a reduction in noise level to a reasonable level.
After the Event
32. A compliance/ evaluation report shall be produced within 6 weeks of the event detailing monitored noise levels during the event, compliance with agreed levels, number of complaints received, and action taken as a result of complaints, recommendations for future events.
Vanguardia have been engaged to proactively manage noise on Site during the Event.
33. The Licence Holder will have a dedicated residents’ phone number which will be live during all Event Operating Hours and Vanguardia will respond to residents’ concerns which are received and take noise readings from these locations.
34. A Traffic and Transport Management Plan will be produced and included in the Event Management Plan. Travel details will be provided to ticket holders in advance of the Event.
35. Dispersal routes from the Event will be designed to minimise disruption to local residents and security staff will be positioned to reduce the risk of any potential antisocial behaviour.
36. A Waste and Litter Management Plan will be provided for approval by SAG and included in the Event Management Plan. This will include litter picking services and the removal and management of waste generated by the Event.
37. The event will operate on the basis anyone under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. This will be clearly stated on all tickets and at the point of purchase.
38. Any child entering with an adult will be offered a wristband and the accompanying adults telephone number written on in case they become separated during the Event.
39. A Welfare Provision will be situated on site who will lead on safeguarding and who will liaise closely with Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership.
40. The Welfare Plan, which will include the applicants Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adult Policy will be included within the Event Management Plan after approval within the Safety Advisory Group.