1. The use of door staff will be risk assessed on an ongoing basis by the licence holder or premises supervisor. Where engaged, door staff shall be licensed by the Security Industry Authority.
2. Persons under the age of 18 years must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult at all times and be off the premises by 21:00 hours unless attending a private, pre-booked family type function.
3. A CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times whilst the premises are open (in line with specification July 2019) . The CCTV images will be stored for 30 days and police and authorised officers of the council will be given access to images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder, in line with GDPR guidance. Members of the management team will be trained in the use of the system.
4. Amplified live music or television will not be permitted. Amplified recorded music and acoustic live music is to be provided, though at modest background levels.
5. The Premises Licence Holder shall prominently display notices on all exits reminding patrons to leave the premises in a quiet and orderly fashion and to respect the local neighbours’ needs.
6. The Designated Premises Supervisor or a delegated member of staff shall take a pro-active approach to noise control, checking outside the premises to ensure that the breakout of internal noise and noise from patrons using the external areas and departing the premises is managed so as not to cause a nuisance to occupiers of nearby residential properties.
7. Fire exit doors shall only be used as an emergency exit and shall not at any other time be left standing open.
8. No amplified sound shall be played within the building except through an in-house amplified sound system fitted with a sound limiting facility capable of limiting the sound level output of the system to a pre-set level which may then be secured in a tamper-resistant manner, the design and settings of which shall have received the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.
9. Movement, sorting or removal of waste materials, recyclables or their containers in the open air shall be carried on only between the hours of 07:00 to 23:00 hours Mondays to Saturdays, and between the hours of 09:00 to 23:00 hours on Sundays and Public Holidays.
10. All brewery deliveries are to take place when the premises is closed to the public to allow safe unloading and storage of brewery stock and supplies before customers are on site to ensure customer safety.
11. A Building Control Completion Certificate shall be submitted to the responsible authority for public safety within a reasonable time period after the premises has opened for business.
12. There will be a minimum of one personal license holder on site at all times, ensuring that all of the licensing objectives are adhered to.
13. All logs will be kept and staff will be expected to complete the relevant log should an incident occur, and report this to management and the directors of the business.
14. All patrons' behaviours will be managed with any potential issues quickly and efficiently being addressed.
15. A Crime Prevention Policy will be implemented.
16. No open containers of alcohol allowed to be brought into or taken away from the premises.
17. No inappropriate drinks promotions will be peritted or the encouragement of smaller measures. Beer will be offered in 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1 pint denominations.
18. Premises Licence holders will be a member of the local Pub Watch scheme
19. All staff will be given relevant licensing legislation training upon commencement of service and reviewed every six months for any changes in legislation.
20. There will be a Zero Tolerance Drug Policy implimented at the premises. Any patron found carrying or taking banned substances will be ejected from the premises, permanently banned, reported to the relevant authorities and a log kept.
21. Premises will be fitted with an appropriate B2 rated fire system and adequate lighting to assist in the need of an evacuation, with the escape routes well lit and clear of any obstructions. Regular testing of fire protection equipment will be undertaken to ensure that all processes in the event of an evacuation or emergency are not hindered by faulty equipment. Regular staff training will be undertaken on evacuation procedures to allow for a timely evacuation.
22. There will be two escape routes from the venue onto Neepsend Lane with an appropriate assembly area in the event of an evacuation. Clear signage and diagrams showing the clearest and fastest route to the nearest emergency exit will be displayed.
23. Clear and concise accident logs and first aid kits will be provided. Trained staff will deal with, or refer injured person/persons to the correct authority.
24. Areas will be kept clean and tidy to avoid any potential hazards (trip/slip). Regular clearing of glassware and bottles/\cans from tables will be undertaken.
25. Staff areas will be clearly signposted and off limits to customers.
26. An appropriate capacity will be calculated for the premises, and this limit will not be exceeded by limiting patrons entering the property during busy periods.
27. All electricals will be installed and maintained by a company registered with a competent persons scheme, with certificates retained for inspection if necessary.
28. All gas systems will be installed and maintained by a company registered with a competent persons scheme, with certificates retained for inspection if necessary.
29. Taxi company contact numbers to be displayed prominently for use of patrons.
30. There will be an Internal 'lobby' in place to further reduce any noise leakage to the street and surrounding property, with separate rooms with no immediate access to the outside during normal operating conditions.
31. Premises Licence Holders will work with the local community with contact details of an appropriate member of staff, should any nuisance occur.
32. A Challenge 25 Age Verification policy will be implimented. Acceptable forms of ID will include PASS card, Driving license or Passport. Appropriate signage regarding age verification policy will be displayed at all entry points, points of sale and adjacent to the products. A record of refusals will be operated and kept for regular review/actions. Staff will be fully trained on commencement of employment of age verification policy and the law relating to all age restricted products sold. Refresher training will be provided and a record kept of such training.
For online sales:
33. There will be an age gate on the website requiring people to enter their date of birth before being able to access the store area of the website.
34. Parcels will be labelled as containing alcohol, and our courier will operate an age ID check when delivering parcels. No parcel will be left in a safe place if someone is not available. ID must be presented on acceptance of the parcel, and a signature and date of birth on obtained on delivery.
35. Any deliveries made locally and operated in house, will be completed by a competent member of staff who has received the relevant training and operating on a Challenge 25 basis, and the same conditions as above will apply.