1. The licence holder shall ensure that whilst the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 (as amended) are in force, the Event Management Plan shall fully consider and implement any and all provisions deemed necessary for the discharge of obligations under the said act.
2. The event organisers shall comply with any request made by a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service after consultation with the SAG and relevant agencies and stakeholders, to reduce or remix sound emanating from the amplification systems, when deemed safe and essential.
3. A compliance/evaluation report shall be produced within 6 weeks of the event detailing: monitored noise levels during the event, compliance with agreed levels, number of complaints received and action taken as a result of complaints, recommendations for future events.
4. Each year, a public consultation for the benefit of stakeholders including the Friends of Hillsborough Park and local residents will be carried out at least two months prior to the event, with a subsequent debrief meeting scheduled for after the event.
5. The organiser will provide the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) and Licensing Authority with notice of the proposed event dates and capacity at least 3 months prior to the Event.
6. The organiser will attend regular SAG meetings starting at least 3 months prior to the Event, as required by the SAG.
7. The organiser will submit a first draft of the Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP) at least 3 months prior to the Event to the SAG.
8. The final draft ESMP must be submitted to the SAG at least 1 month prior to the Event. Any changes requested to be made to the ESMP after this time must be approved in writing by the Licensing Authority.
9. The ESMP will form the framework within which the Event is managed and operated. The conditions and operating procedures defined in the final version of the ESMP will be adhered to. The ESMP will include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Site Map
2. Contacts (including the management team and key contractors)
3. Concessions (a list of food and market traders)
4. Risk Assessment
5. Fire Risk Assessment
6. Medical Plan
7. Security Operations Plan
8. Crowd Management Plan
9. Crime Reduction Plan
10. Drugs Policy
11. Alcohol Policy
12. Traffic Management Plan
13. Adverse Weather Plan
14. Waste Management Plan
15. Water Management Plan
16. Noise Management Plan
17. Child, Youth and Vulnerable Person Welfare Policy
18. Emergency Plan (including Major Incident Plans)
19. Temporary Demountable Structures Policy
20. Communications Plan
10. Any alterations to the running of the Event made during the time the license is in operation must be agreed by the Event Liaison Team (ELT). The organiser will operate ELT meetings on site during the Event, which will include representatives of the organiser, responsible authorities and other members of the SAG as agreed appropriate. The ELT will meet during the Event at frequencies agreed by the SAG.
11. The organiser will hold both public and employers liability insurance to the total of 10 million pounds for each Event.
12. After each event, a debrief will be held with SAG representatives.
13. Access to the Event for members of the public will be strictly by ticket only. Staff, artists, trader, supplier and contractor access will only be allowed on display of relevant accreditation. Accreditation will be issued and managed by the organiser.
14. The organiser will employ the services of a recognised and qualified security and stewarding company. Only individuals licensed by the Security Industry Authority will be used to guard against unathorised access or occupation (eg, door supervision), outbreaks of disorder or property damage.
15. All security staff and stewards will be easily identifiable and have appropriate training for their duties. A register will be maintained of all stewards and security staff employed before, during and after the Event containing their full names, date of birth, home addresses, employers, event specific identification and where appropriate their SIA registration details. These details will be made available to South Yorkshire Police and the Licensing Authority. All stewards will be fully briefed on the relevant particulars of the Event, and report or take other appropriate action for any suspicious activity.
16. A two-way radio system will be used to maintain communication between event organisers and steward / security management. An Incident Report Register will be maintained via Security Control. The purpose of the document being to record the time, date and location of notable incidents including anti-social behaviour, admissions, refusals and ejections from the Event. The report will include the names and registration numbers of security personnel involved in and/or reporting the incident and/or to whom the incident was reported, the names and personal licence numbers (if any) of any other staff involved in and/or reporting the incident and/or to whom the incident was reported, the names and numbers of any police officer attending, the police incident and/or crime number and the full contact details of any witness. The Incident Register will be produced for inspection immediately on the request of an authorised police, council, fire or ambulance officer.
17. Patrons may be subject to a search as a condition of entry. A discrete search area will be provided. Anyone refusing a search will be denied entry to the Event and will not be eligible for a refund of ticket price. Seizures of illegal substances or offensive weapons will be reported to the Police in a timely manner, and subject to any agreed threshold. A suitable purpose-made receptacle for the safe retention of illegal substances will be provided and arrangements made for the safe disposal of its contents as agreed with the Police.
18. The organiser will operate a challenge 25 policy on the sale of alcohol. This training will be recorded in writing and be made available upon request. The only accepted forms of identification will be a passport, photocard driving licence, or a PASS card, allowing for foreign equivalents. Each bar on site will be managed by a Personal Licence Holder under the site Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS). No alcohol sales will be made if the DPS, or a nominated representative thereof, is not on site, or if the DPS does not hold a licence, or his/her licence has been suspended. A refusal log will be kept at each bar. The organiser will take all reasonable steps to prevent drunkenness and other disorderly conduct, as per statutory conditions.
19. Written policies in relation to drugs, alcohol, crime reduction, counter-terrorism and searching shall be fully implemented throughout the course of the Event. The content of the policies must be to the satisfaction of South Yorkshire Police and the Licensing Authority.
20. All event activity within the licensed premises will be controlled with specific reference to the capacity of the site, the nature of the Event content and in compliance with the standards for the provision of services as outlined by relevant industry guidance.
21. Any reasonable requirements of the Safety Advisory Group will be complied with in order to ensure that the event site is suitable for its intended use.
22. The organiser will employ the services of a qualified medical provider. A dedicated and clearly signed first aid point will be manned at all times that the premises are open to the public.
23. The organiser will obtain completion certificates for all temporary demountable structures prior to the Event opening to the public. All structural calculations will be made available to building control on request.
24. Appropriate and proportionate arrangements will be made for fencing, barriers, gate systems, security and other provision to prevent unauthorised access to the Event and to manage entry to the licensed premises. All emergency exits and entrance/exits will be kept clear at all times. A dedicated blue route will be indicated in the traffic management plan and be kept clear for access by emergency vehicles at all times.
25. No drinks in glass containers or glass bottles shall be sold on the Licensed Premises except for drinks in the backstage areas and other areas that may be agreed with the SAG. The event organiser shall take appropriate measures to prevent glass containers or glass bottles being brought on to the premises by the public.
26. All food concessions will be available for inspection at all times suitable to the Environmental Health Officer (EHO).
27. Vehicle movement within the Event will be limited to those which are essential and will be controlled to ensure safety of the public and staff.
28. The organiser shall ensure that adequate sanitary provisions and hand washing facilities are provided for the number of people expected to attend the Event to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority and be proportional to the gender split and audience profile.
29. No generators will be petrol driven. All electrical installations and equipment will comply with the general requirements at the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, or other relevant industry guidance. Additional temporary lighting will be provided to maintain the safe access and egress of attendees on identified routes from the Event. A lighting check will take place prior to opening.
30. Suitable and sufficient firefighting equipment and personnel will be provided. A dedicated Fire Risk Assessment will be circulated to the SAG.
31. The organiser will collate all its sub-contractors' risk assessments, method statements, proof of insurance and H&S policies and make these documents available to the Licensing Authority in advance of the Event.
32. The organiser will make appropriate provisions for attendees with accessibility requirements. Such provisions may include accessible toilets, viewing platforms, accessible bar counters, dedicated entrance lanes and priority parking.
33. Site inspection(s) will be co-ordinated by the SAG before the licensed activity takes place and the activity shall not proceed unless the SAG is satisfied with the provisions made for the event.
34. The organiser will employ the services of a qualified noise consultant no later than 3 months prior to the Event. The noise consultant will produce a Noise Management Plan (NMP) that will detail measures that should be put in place to manage noise on site and minimise disruption to residents and other relevant parties. The plan will include, but not be limited to, the following information:
- The music noise limits
- The monitoring locations
- Noise control procedures and music noise level monitoring methodology
- Complaints monitoring and action
- Compliance reporting
35. The NMP must be approved by the EHO at least one month prior to the Event. The noise consultant shall liaise between all parties including the licensee, promoter, sound engineers, sound equipment suppliers and the Licensing Authority on all matters relating to noise control prior to and during the Event.
36. There shall be unrestricted access to relevant areas for the EHO for the purposes of sound level measurements, communications with the noise consultant and sound engineers, and monitoring licence compliance.
37. Prior to the Event, a sound propagation test will take place, the exact times for this will be agreed with an EHO in advance. The purpose of the test is to set appropriate control limits at the mixer position. The sound system shall be configured and operated in a similar manner as intended for the Event. The sound source used for the test shall be similar in character to the music likely to be played at the Event.
38. The licensee shall ensure that the promoter, sound equipment suppliers and all individual sound engineers are informed of the sound control limits and that any instructions from the noise consultant regarding noise levels shall be implemented. The noise consultant shall monitor noise levels at mixer desk positions and advise sound engineers to ensure agreed limits are not broken, where possible.
39. Sound checks and rehearsals will only take place between the hours of 10:00 and 19:00 and is of the shortest duration practicable.
40. The organiser will make available any results from the noise monitoring to the EHO after each Event.
41. The organiser will employ the services of a dedicated traffic management company to produce a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) that details measures to be put in place that will minimise the impact of the Event. The TMP will detail attendee and staff parking facilities to be made available, and must be shared with the SAG one month prior to the Event. Traffic management staff in relevant positions must be Community Safety Accredited Marshalling accredited.
42. Local residents and businesses will be able to contact the organiser on event days for information or with concerns about public nuisance via a dedicated hotline. Appropriate provisions shall be made to minimise disruption to the community, and to respond to reported incidents in a timely manner. External security patrols will direct and monitor event attendees during ingress and egress.
43. A recognised waste management company will be contracted to collect litter during and after the Event, including external areas significantly impacted by event attendees.
44. As a condition of entry all persons under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult (over 21).
45. The organiser will create a dedicated welfare point which is clearly signed and manned at all times while the premises are open to the public. This point will also be indicated on any public literature and marked on any public-facing maps.
46. Anyone who appears to be under the age of 25 will be asked to produce identification before being served alcohol.
47. A lead safeguarder will be employed and will work closely with the Sheffield Safeguarding Childrens Board. The organiser will prepare a Child, Youth and Vulnerable Person Welfare Policy and an Alcohol Policy. The ESMP will include a dedicated lost/found child policy.
48. Any person on the premises with the specific duty of looking after children must provide current DBS check information.