Agreed with Sports Grounds and Events 21st June 2021
· A draft ESMP covering all relevant aspects of the event shall be submitted to the Licensing Authority at least 42 days prior to the commencement of any event.
· The ESMP and associated planning of the event will be considered by the Safety Advisory Group (SAG). The licence holder or a suitable nominated representative shall engage in the SAG process and attend any scheduled meetings in whatever form they may take.
· The licence holder will employ a suitably qualified event safety officer. Details of the qualifications and experience of the safety officer will be submitted as part of the ESMP.
Agreed with Environmental Protection Service 21st June 2021
Planning for Events:
· Prior to the first event, the Premises Licence Holder shall appoint a suitably qualified noise consultant, to the approval of Sheffield City Council’s Environmental Protection Service (EPS), to undertake a Noise Impact Assessment (NIA), and produce a Noise Management Plan (NMP), to the satisfaction of EPS. The NIA and NMP shall be produced no later than 6 weeks prior to the event and shall include details of predicted noise levels at nearest noise sensitive properties based on modelling, or actual noise measurements. The noise level predictions shall only be based on the sound system to be deployed for the event. The NMP shall detail measures for how noise will be monitored and proactively managed during the event. The appointed noise consultant, or an appointed noise coordinator delegated by the noise consultant, shall liaise between all parties - Environmental Protection Service (EPS), Production Manager, DPS, sound system suppliers, sound engineers, Licensing Authority, on all matters relating to noise control prior to and during the event. In the case of subsequent events differing substantively in terms of noise character or risk, a revised NMP shall be similarly prepared by a suitably qualified consultant for review and prior approval by EPS, to the aforementioned timescale and specifications.
· Events shall be limited to a single event per calendar year, of a maximum three consecutive days duration. The inaugural event shall be limited to a maximum two consecutive days duration, with any increase to three day duration for subsequent year’s events being subject to the satisfactory management of public nuisance risk, in accordance with the premises licence conditions, and any agreed NMP requirements.
Prior to Events:
· A noise propagation test shall be undertaken with the Environmental Protection Service present (subject to availability), prior to the start of the event in order to set appropriate control limits at the sound mixer position. The sound system shall be configured and operated in a similar manner as intended for the event. The sound source used for the test shall be similar in character to the music most likely to be produced during the event.
· The noise consultant, or an appointed noise coordinator delegated by the noise consultant, to the prior approval of EPS, shall ensure that, prior to the event during any testing of equipment, minimum noise levels are emitted from the sound equipment to reduce to its lowest level any noise nuisance to local residents.
During Events:
· The noise consultant, or appointed noise coordinator, shall ensure that noise is monitored at the perimeter of the site (or other appropriate noise sensitive location) throughout the event, and at least during each different artist.
· The noise consultant, or appointed noise coordinator, shall comply with any request made by a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service to reduce or remix sound emanating from the amplification system.
· Facilities shall be provided on the mixing desk, or other appropriate position, for a nominated officer of the Environmental Protection Service (subject to availability) to monitor and, where necessary, secure a reduction in noise level to a reasonable level.
After Event:
· Should the SCC Environmental Protection Service (‘the EPS’) receive a credible written complaint describing noise nuisance arising from an event, the EPS may request a compliance/ evaluation report be produced by the noise consultant detailing monitored noise levels during the event, compliance with agreed levels, number of complaints received, actions taken as a result of complaints, and recommendations for future events. Any such recommendations shall then be carried forward to subsequent event NMPs, as appropriate. The Premises Licence Holder shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure the requested report is prepared within 6 weeks of any request received from the EPS. Any request by the EPS must be made in writing to the Premises Licence Holder within 14 days of the last event, or such longer period as may be agreed in writing with the Premises Licence Holder.
Agreed with South Yorkshire Police 21st June 2021
No customers carrying alcohol, or opened bottles, upon entry shall be admitted. .
Staff will receive training on matters concerning underage sales, drugs policies, and operating procedures. Records of such training will be kept and made available for inspection of the authorities. .
There shall be a zero tolerance policy in relation to drugs and there shall be regular checks by management to prevent the use of drugs by patrons. Drugs seized shall be stored securely and handed to the Police. .
Drinks to be provided in plastic vessels or cans. The use of glassware is not permitted. Agreed, with the exception of back of house areas for artists. This will be communicated to artists not to leave the back of house areas with any glass vessels.
The Challenge 25 scheme must operate including a refusals log, signage and the maintenance of staff training records. .
Clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting that the public respect the needs of local residents and to leave the site and area quietly. .
Notice must be given for any proposed major events involving licensable activities and/or regulated entertainment (capacity exceeding 499 persons at any one time) in writing to South Yorkshire Police Licensing Department, South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, the Responsible Authorities towards Public Safety and Public Nuisance. 6 weeks’ notice shall be given for all such “major events”. All other events involving licensable activities and/or regulated entertainment with a capacity less than 499 people, at least 14 days’ notice shall be given.
The Premise Licence Holder will have a search policy for customers. All customers will be subject to the standard search policy at entrance, including relevant bag searches. Enhanced searching will be periodically used in accordance with a dynamic risk assessment.
SIA registered security staff will be appointed to be static at the entrance to the site and operate metal detecting wands in line with the standard search policy.