1: A tamper-proof digital colour CCTV system to be installed and maintained on the premises
2: The CCTV system will provide a clear head and shoulders view to an evidential quality on the customers entry.
3: Record footage will be provided within a reasonable time to a police constable upon request.
4. Such footage will be provided in a viewable format and to include any software etc. that is required to view the footage.
5. The Designated Premises Supervisor will ensure that the CCTV system is checked at least once every month. This check will include the operation of the cameras, the recording facilities, the facilities for providing footage and the accuracy of the time and date. A written record of these checks to be kept on the premises and made available to a police constable within a reasonable time upon request.
6. Alcohol will only be sold or supplied to diner’s ancillary with food orders.
7. A contact number for the Designated Premises Supervisor will be available on the premises when not on duty.
8. Relevant staff will be given the appropriate training on the legislation relating to alcohol and diners under the age of 18.
9. The premises will not receive any deliveries between the hours of 07:30 - 18:00 Monday to Friday, 10.00 - 13.00 Saturday and all day on any Sunday and all Public Holidays.
9. Prominent, clear and legible notices will be displayed at the exit and in key areas, requesting the public to respect the needs of the local residents and to leave the premises and the area quickly and quietly.
10. The premises will operate a Refusals Log and an Incident Log.
11. A Challenge 25 training Scheme will also be operated at the premises and Challenge 25 signage to be prominently displayed in key areas. The only form of ID that will be accepted is an identification
documents that would be accepted by the Home Office.
Conditions agreed with Environmental Protection Service
12 Before the premises first start to trade, a scheme of sound attenuation works shall have been installed and thereafter retained. Such a scheme of works shall:
a. Be based on the findings of an approved noise survey of the application site, including an approved method statement for the noise survey.
b. Be capable of restricting noise breakout from the commercial use(s) to the street to levels not exceeding the prevailing ambient noise level when measured:
(i) as a 15 minute LAeq, and;
(ii) at any one third octave band centre frequency as a 15 minute LZeq.
c. Be capable of restricting noise breakout and transmission from the commercial use(s) and any associated plant or equipment, to all adjoining residential accommodation to levels complying with the following:
(i) Bedrooms: Noise Rating Curve NR25 (2300 to 0700 hours);
(ii) Living Rooms & Bedrooms: Noise Rating Curve NR30 (0700 to 2300 hours);
(iii) Other Habitable Rooms: Noise Rating Curve NR35 (0700 to 2300 hours);
(iv) Bedrooms: LAFmax 45dB (2300 to 0700 hours).
Before such scheme of works is installed full details thereof shall first have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Environmental Protection Service.
[Noise Rating Curves should be measured as a 15 minute LZeq at octave band centre frequencies 31.5 Hz to 8 kHz.
13. Before the premises first trade, Validation Testing of the sound insulation and/or attenuation works shall have been carried out and the results submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such Validation Testing shall: a)Be carried out in accordance with an approved method statement. b)Demonstrate that the specified noise levels have been achieved. In the event that the specified noise levels have not been achieved then, notwithstanding the sound insulation and/or attenuation works thus far approved, a further scheme of works capable of achieving the specified noise levels and recommended by an acoustic consultant shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before the use of the development is commenced. Such further scheme of works shall be installed as approved in writing by the Environmental Protection Service before the use is commenced and shall thereafter be retained.
14. The outside customer area to the front of the premises fronting Ecclesall Road shall not be used for the consumption of food and drink by customers between 21:00 hours to 09:00 hours (the following day) on any day.
15. The folding doors within the front elevation facing Ecclesall Road shall remain closed between 21:00 hours and 09:00 hours (the following day) on all days.
16. No loudspeakers shall be fixed externally nor directed to broadcast sound outside the building at any time.
17. The rear court yard shall only be used by customers for access until such time that the planning authority has granted the necessary permissions for the courtyard area to be used by customers.
Conditions agreed with Health Protection Service 21.4.2022
18. A Building Regulation Completion Certificate shall be submitted to the responsible authority for public safety prior to opening for business.
19. A satisfactory Electrical Installation Certificate shall be submitted to the responsible authority for public safety prior to opening for business. (If an electrical condition report is provided it should cover 100% of the premises).
20. There shall be no transportation of hot food and drinks using the public staircase between the ground floor and the first floor or the first floor and the second floor (whilst open to members of the public).
21. With respect to toilet facilities the capacity of the premises will be limited to 60 persons until such time that an additional accessible toilet has been installed on the Ground floor, and a Building control completion certificate provided.
22. There shall be no licensable activities until outstanding matters with respect to public safety have been appropriately addressed. In particular:-
a. The licensable use of the ground floor will not come into effect until the staircase between the ground floor and the first floor is satisfactorily completed to permit access to the first floor toilets.
b. The licensable use of the first floor and second floor will not come into effect until a goods lift has been provided to these floors. And
c. The Health Protection Service are to be notified of the completion of the outstanding works.