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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 16:53 on 26 December 2024
Library Theatre
Tudor Square, Sheffield, S1 1XZ
Completed application 1026817 which is a Minor Variation Application for Premises Licence from 05/05/2009 to indefinite
Full Name
Mr Paul Billington
Full Name
Miss Alison Jobey
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mr Paul Billington
Permitted Activities
a performance of a play
a boxing or wrestling entertainment
an exhibition of a film
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
a performance of dance
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
Any embedded permissions and restrictions attached to the justices on/off licence including those specified at Appendix 1. Specific conditions converted from the Public Entertainment Licence 1. Capacity 1) The number of members of the public who may be present at any one time on the premises or in any part of such premises specified below shall not exceed: - Area Capacity The whole of the premises 265 2. Permitted Hours (1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2) below, the days and hours during which any public entertainment specified in the licence is permitted to be held shall be as follows: - (a) Monday 10:00am until 11:30pm (b) Tuesday 10:00am until 11:30pm (c) Wednesday 10:00am until 11:30pm (d) Thursday 10:00am until 11:30pm (e) Friday 10:00am until 11:30pm (f) Saturday 10:00am until 11:30pm (g) Sunday 10:00am until 11:30pm (2) Where the Council is of the opinion that in order to avoid or reduce any disturbance of or annoyance to residents in the neighbourhood of the premises or the occurrence of disorderly conduct in the premises, it is desirable for the permitted hours specified in sub-paragraph (1) above to be varied, the Council may, after affording the licensee the opportunity of making representations to the Council, by notice served on the licensee vary the permitted hours and thereafter the hours specified in the notice shall apply in substitution for the hours specified in sub-paragraph (1) above. 3 There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 4. Boxing, wrestling and similar types of performances involving children and young people must comply with the requirements set out by the relevant National Governing Body. If the activity is not affiliated to a National Governing Body, the DPS/Licence Holder should consult with the relevant Responsible Authorities to ensure that the activity is appropriate and that adequate safeguards are in place. 5. Parent/carer consent and other necessary permits (for example a performance licence) should be obtained in writing prior to a child performing if they are of compulsory school age. The DPS/Licence Holder should be able to evidence that: permit checks have been made: that the requirements of the Council who have issued the performance permit have been met; that the requirements of the National Governing Body are being enforced; and that parent/carer consent has been obtained. 6. Children and young people who are involved in performance should be supervised by an appropriate and responsible adult during the performance and backstage. 7. Children under the age of 16 who are spectators should be accompanied by a responsible adult. 8. Children and young people should not participate in boxing/wrestling or similar types of events (for example cage fighting) which involve gambling or betting, unless their participation is allowed by the relevant National Governing Body.