Annex 3 - Conditions imposed at Licensing Sub-Committee 6.9.2017 following a Review application.
1.Applications for a Temporary Event Notice shall be submitted by a named member of the Committee.
2.A colour CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and in use at all times whilst the premises are open. The CCTV images will be stored for 30 days and Police and Authorised Officers of the Council will be given access to the images for the purposes of and in connection with the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. CCTV footage shall be downloaded and provided to South Yorkshire Police on request. Members of the management team will be trained in the use of the system.
3.A copy of the South Yorkshire Police Violent Incident Protocol is to be displayed within the premises in clear sight of staff. This protocol should also form part of staff training and training records shall be maintained to reflect this.
4.Any incidents at the premises will be recorded in the incident book and any criminal behaviour is to be reported to the Police.
5.A register will be maintained at the premises of each person whose duties include deciding who is admitted to the premises, and the direction and control of such persons. The register will contain the full name, address, date of birth, photograph (portrait style and minimum passport size) and a physical description. The register shall be made available for inspection by any Police Officer or Authorised Officer of the Council upon request and shall be kept on the premises for a period of not less than 12 months.
6.The use of door supervisors will be risk assessed on an event-by-event basis. A written record of the risk assessment shall be kept on the premises for 6 months and will be made available to the Police and/or Authorised Officers of the Council upon request.
7.A signing-in book will be maintained on the premises and completed by each member of security staff prior to the start of their duties each day; the entry will detail the name, start and finish time of the security staff. The signing-in book shall be made available for inspection by any Police Officer or Authorised Officer of the Council upon request. These records shall be kept on the premises for a period of not less than 12 months.
8.Where door supervisors are utilised, customers entering the premises will be subjected to searches in accordance with the premises risk assessment.
9.Security staff are to display their SIA badges at all times.
10. The Club Chair or other such qualified and responsible person will be designated to the role of Safeguarding Co-ordinator. This person must act with reference to the guidance and training provided by the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board.
11.A written safeguarding risk assessment must be undertaken for all activities at the premises involving children and young people who are socialising, at work (paid or voluntary), performing, entertaining, or who are present for any other reason at the premises. This document must be retained and made available for inspection to the Responsible Authorities on request.
12.All persons under the age of 18 years to be signed in and out of the premises by a responsible adult using a membership scheme/register.
13.For events, parties and functions:
a.A booking form stipulating the conditions of booking and to record the details of the event/party organiser must be used and retained.
b.Checks will be made by the management committee to ensure that the music policy and reputation of promoters/event organisers is suitable for events to which children and young people are admitted.