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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 18:54 on 8 January 2025
Birley Carr Methodist Church School Room
Fox Hill Road, Sheffield, S6 1HF
Premises Licence SY001520 from from 22/06/2006 to indefinite
Licence holder(s)
Full Name
Birley Carr Methodist Musical & Dramatic Society
Permitted Activities
a performance of a play
a performance of live music
entertainment of a similar description to that falling within a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music or a performance of dance
Additional Conditions
1)The fire equipment and emergency lighting systems should be regularly checked and maintained. 2) The holder of the premises licence shall nominate a member of staff in his absence to take charge of the premises and have responsibility for ensuring the safety of members of staff and the public who resort on the premises. 3) All persons under the age of 18 to be accompanied by an appropriate adult.