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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 01:32 on 26 December 2024

Asda Supermarket

801 Chesterfield Road, Sheffield, S8 0SQ

Completed application 144894 which is a Change of Supervisor (DPS) for Premises Licence from 24/11/2005 to indefinite


Full Name Asda Stores Ltd

Designated Premises Supervisor

Full NameMs Katy Janet Anne Thompson

Permitted Activities

Premises Open Hours Requested
Time FromTime To
Sunday Prior to a Bank Holiday

The times detailed are without prejudice to the right of the premises licence holder to open the premises at other times for any activity which is not a licensable activity authorised by and within the provisions of this premises licence and which is not otherwise a licensable activity by virtue of the Licensing Act 2003.

Activities - Times Requested
Time FromTime To
I. Late night refreshment (Indoors & Outdoors)
Saturday Prior to Bank Holiday 23:00 00:00
J. Supply of alcohol for consumption OFF the premises only
Saturday Prior to Bank Holiday 06:00 00:00

Additional Conditions