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Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 18:34 on 22 December 2024
White Horse Inn
104 Halifax Road, Sheffield, S6 1LH
Completed application 1042246 which is a Transfer Application for Premises Licence from 24/11/2005 to indefinite
Full Name
Miss Lemoyne Cass
Full Name
Trustees of the Diocese of Shrewsbury
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Miss Lemoyne Cass
Permitted Activities
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children. 2. Illumination is provided to the exterior areas of the premises. 3. All interior areas to be visable to the staff from the bar servery. 4. Zero Tolerance on drugs. 5. Any existing CCTV will be maintained in working order, and operated when the premises are trading. 6. The premises should have an alarm system installed and maintained. 7. Except for access and agress, all windows and doors to remain closed. 8. A permanent fixed current device (RCD) must protect electrical supply serving all amplied electical equipment used for the purpose of live and other entertainment. 9. Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted at the premises after 19:00 hours on Fridays, or after 21:00 hours on any other day, unless attending a private, pre-booked family orientated function. 10. Private family functions allowing children are not permitted on Friday nights unless the premises is closed to the general public. 11. Persons under the age of 18 are only permitted in the areas marked on the licence plan as the Games room and Bar Lounge, or during private family functions in the designated function room. 12. The Designated Premises Supervisor or other such responsible person, must be assigned with responsibilty for children's safeguarding at the premsies and this person must act in accordance with the guidance and training provided by the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board. 13. The Challenge 25 age verification scheme must operate in compliance with the partnership guidance produced by South Yorkshire Police,Trading Standards and Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board. 14. A colour CCTV system to the specification of South Yorkshire Police will be fitted, maintained and un use at all times whilst the premsies are open. The CCTV images will be stored for 31 days and police and authorised officers of the council will be given access to the images for purposes in connection with the prevention and detection of crimes and disorder. Members of the management team will be trained in the use of the system. A copy of the specification dated January 2010 will be available at all times for inspection of the police and authorised officers. 15. A copy of the South Yorkshire Police Violent Incident Protocol to be displayed within the premsies in sight of staff. This protocol should also form part of staff training and training records to reflect such input. 16. Polycarbonate drinking vessels to be used at the venue on a management risk assessed basis and through negotiation upon police advise. This is most likely to mean for example use of polycarbonates perhaps at busy weekend times or periods, or when risk assessed by management due to the customers profile or likely demeanout. It will always include Fridays. 17. There shall be a zero tolerance policy in relation to drugs at the premsies and there shall be regular checks by management to to prevent the use of drugs by patrons. Drugs seized shall be stored securely and handed to the police, records will be kept of seizures and challenges and made available for inspection for the authorities. 18. Any person exercising a security activity (as defined by paragrpah 2 (1) of schedule 2 of the Private Security Industry Act 2001) shall be licensed by the Security Industry Authority. Such a person will be employed at the premises at the descretion of the designed premises supervisor/holder of the premises licence. Any person defined in this condition will clearly display their name badge at all times whilst on duty. There will aways be at least 2x doorstaff working on a Friday night from 7pm to closing. 19. Any person holding a Security Industry Act 2001 Personal Despensation Notice will be authorised to act as security staff. The notice must be displayed in such a manner as the SIA basge and produced for inspection by an appropriate authority. 20. Throughout opening hours, staff will check toilet areas to monitor the environment for drug use/dealing, dangerous or inappropriate behaviour. Incidents will be recorded in the incident book and any criminal behavour will be reported to the police. details of such checks to be recorded in writing. 21. Signage will be displayed on toilet doors to indicate that regular checks are being made and this is to be recorded in writing. 22. Zero tolerance posters/signage to be prominately displayed throughtout the premises. 23. All staff and the Premises Licence Holder shall be trained in the operation of Challenge 25 scheme and how to manage confrontation, staff training records must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority and made available to officer of the reposnsible authorities and the Licensing Authority upon request. 24. The DPS and all persons working at the premises shall be fully trained in the use of the CCTV system, so that images can be immediately obtained by the Police and Authorised Officer of the Council. 25. Staff will receive training on matter concerning underage sales, drugs policies and operating procedures. Records of such training will be kept and made available for inspection by authorities upon request. 26. All staff to adopt the Challenge 25 procedure. All staff to request a recognised and bona-fide proof of age from anyone subject to this procedure and the bailment scheme to be used whenever any Identification is in doubt.