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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 08:51 on 13 January 2025
Jade House
272 Bellhouse Road, Sheffield, S5 6HT
Completed application 178764 which is a Suspension after Non-Payment of Annual Fee/Levy for Premises Licence from 24/11/2005 to indefinite
Full Name
Mr Xiao Biao Lin
Permitted Activities
provision of late night refreshment
Additional Conditions
1. Any disorderly conduct on the premises will be notified to the police. 2. CCTV in operation and maintained to a standard expectable by South Yorkshire Police, records retained for a period of 31 days. 3. All fire exits and escape routes on the premises to be kept clear at all times. 4. The premises will be well maintained with good lighting, ventilation and no tripping hazards. 5. To follow food hygiene regulations at all times. 6. The holder of the premises licence shall nominate a member of staff to remove and dispose of any litter outside the premises originating from their business. 7. Noxious smells from the kitchen is kept to a minimum via use of an extract system with filter. 8. After 11:00pm, any children under the age of 12 years entering the premises are to be accompanied by an adult.