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Licensing Act Premises Search
Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 17:05 on 22 December 2024
Wong Ting Cantonese Restaurant
6-8 Matilda Street, Sheffield, S1 4QD
Completed application 1036516 which is a Change of Supervisor (DPS) for Premises Licence from 06/08/2013 to indefinite
Full Name
Mrs Shi Hooi Tan
Full Name
Modern China Ltd
Designated Premises Supervisor
Full Name
Mrs Shi Hooi Tan
Permitted Activities
a performance of live music
any playing of recorded music
provision of late night refreshment
the supply of alcohol
Additional Conditions
1. Any existing CCTV will be maintained in working order, and operated when the premises are trading. 2. No licensable activities will take place under the authority of this licence until the premises have been inspected by the Relevant Authorities, and the licence holder has been notified that the premises are Suitable. Any reasonable requirements of the responsible authorities will be complied with in order to ensure that the premises are suitable for their intended use. 3. The Designated Premises Supervisor for these premises must be a registered member of Sheffield Licence Watch. Annual membership and meeting attendance should be maintained. 4. A permanent fixed residual current device (RCD) must protect the electrical power supply serving all amplified music equipment used for the purpose of live music. 5. The premises are protected by an alarm system when closed which notifies police of the alarm being activated. 6. The entrance to the premises is well lit. 7. Full risk assessments will be carried out to ensure that potential risks to employees, customers and other visitors are kept to an absolute minimum. 8. There is a fire / emergency evacuation procedure in relation to which all staff are fully trained. 9. Windows and doors will be kept closed when regulated entertainment is on. 10. The premises have a designated loading bay used for deliveries to ensure no nuisance is caused by obstruction in the street etc. 11. Refuse is stored in suitable bins, in a designated area and collected twice weekly. 12. Children are only allowed on the premises if accompanied by an adult. 13. The applicant will take part in the Councils ID scheme will display posters etc, and will implement a strict policy regarding requesting ID to ensure that the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 relating to Children are adhered to. 14. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children.