1. There shall be no adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment or matters ancillary to the use of the premises that may give rise to concern in respect of children.
2. The Designated Premises Supervisor or a delegated member of staff shall take a pro-active approach to noise control, checking outside the premises to ensure that the breakout of internal noise and noise from patrons using the external areas and departing the premises is managed so as not to cause a nuisance to occupiers of nearby residential properties.
3. A management plan shall be held on site detailing measures agreed with Sheffield City Council’s Environmental Protection Service to assist in the prevention of Public Nuisance. Staff shall be suitably trained to implement the management plan and a copy of the plan and any referenced policies shall be made available upon request by the Licensing Authority.
4. People under the age of 18 years will be accompanied by a responsible adult and will not be permitted on the premises after 21:00 hours unless they are working at the premises. A written safeguarding risk assessment will be in place to ensure a safe environment for young employees.
5. The Check 25 age verification scheme will be in place. This will include staff training records, signage and a refusals log.
6. Management training will encompass all areas of licensing objectives.
7. All staff will be trained in alcohol awareness and the licensing objectives as well as restrictions imposed by the license.
8. External audits & mystery shoppers will be used to ensure all licensing objectives are being met.
9. A CCTV system will be operational at the premises at all times when licensable activities are being carried out and at other times were member of the public are present on the premises.
10. The CCTV system will cover the main entrance/s and exit/s and designated emergency escape routes from the premises.
11. The CCTV will cover all external areas of the premises occupied by the public i.e. queuing areas, beer gardens, smoking areas & car park.
12. The CCTV system will have sufficient storage retention capacity for a minimum of 31 days continuous footage, which will be of a good quality.
13. A designated member / members of staff at the premises will be authorised to access the CCTV footage and be conversant with operating the CCTV system. At the request of an authorised officer of the licencing authority or a responsible authority, any CCTV footage, as requested, will be supplied.
14. A supervisors register will be maintained on the premises showing contact details for the DPS and personal licensing holders.
15. The supervisors register will state the name of the person who is in overall charge of the premises at each time that licensed activities are carried out and
this information will be retained for a period of 12 months and produced for inspection on request to an authorised officer.
16. The PLH / DPS will belong to a recognised trade body or pub watch scheme were one exists, whose aims include promotion of the licensing objectives.
17. Any security staff used will be SIA approved.
18. Written records of all accidents and incidents involving the public will be kept.
19. Before opening, checks will be undertaken to ensure access to the premises is clear for emergency services.
20. Suitable trained staff will ensure regular safety checks on the building including electrical appliances.
21. Empty bottles and glasses will be collected regularly.
22. Electrical installations will be inspected on a periodic basis.
23. Members of the public will be prevented access to the cellar or hot food and drink preparation areas.
24. Adequate first aid equipment and materials will be available on the premises at all times.
25. A written spillage policy will be kept at all times to ensure they are dealt with properly.
26. A procedure for dealing with unwell members of the public will be in place including those who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
27. There will be no external loud speakers.
28. Noise from the licensable activity at the premises will be inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive premises.
29. No delivery will be accepted before 07:00, Scheduled recurring deliveries will only happen Monday - Friday.
30. Bottles will only be placed in external bins between 07:00 & 23:00. This will happen 7 days a week.
31. A cooling period will be adopted where music is reduced towards the closing time of the business.
32. Clear & legible notices will be displayed in the exits requesting patrons to refrain from shouting, slamming car doors, sounding horns or any other anti-social behaviour on exiting the premises.
33. The premises supervisors will monitor the activity of the people leaving the property.
34. Licensable activities shall be conducted and the facility for licensed activities shall be designed and operated so as to prevent the transmission of audible noise or vibrations through the fabric of the building or structure to adjoining properties.
35. Noise from plant and machinery shall not be audible at the nearest noise sensitive point during the operation of the plant or machinery.
36. Plant or machinery shall be regularly maintained to meet this level.
37. All external doors & Windows will be closed by 23:00 in order to reduce down the amount of noise that escapes the building.
38. Anyone waiting for a taxi will be encouraged to wait inside.
39. A foyer entrance will be provided & maintained in order to create a sound lock when the door is being opened.
40. Access to the outside seating will not be allowed after 23:00. After this time management and staff will monitor the area.
41. Any movable chairs will be removed or packed away when the outside area is closed.
42. All outside areas will be monitored throughout the day, whilst the bar is open, to ensure it is tidy and well maintained.
43. Smokers will be asked to use designate space after 23:00. This will be monitored and maintained by managers and staff logs will be kept of noise complaints in order to review our systems and establish if there are any issues or improvements that can be made.
44. Staff will be trained in alcohol awareness and will not serve members of the public who threaten to become a public nuisance.